On seasonal adjustment of production index, construction

1. What is seasonal adjustment?

2. Pre-treatment

3. Seasonal adjustment

4. Revision policies

5. Quality of seasonal adjustment

6. Specific issues on seasonal adjustment

7. Data presentation issues

8. References

1. What is seasonal adjustment?

1.1 What is seasonal adjustment?

Monthly and quarterly time series are often characterised by considerable seasonal variations, which might complicate their interpretation. Such time series are therefore subjected to a process of seasonal adjustment in order to remove the effects of these seasonal fluctuations. Once data have been adjusted for seasonal effects by X-12-ARIMA or some other seasonal adjustment tool, a clearer picture of the time series emerges.

For more information on seasonal adjustment: metadata on methods: seasonal adjustment

1.2 Why do we seasonally adjust Production index, construction

The production index is adjusted for seasonal variations applying the X12ARIMA method with direct seasonal adjustment, non-fixed seasonal effects, multiplicative model and pre-correction of Easter effects. It is assumed that the employed persons in the construction industry are off duty the whole Easter-week.

Time series are adjusted for calendar effects. Trading adjustment also includes movable public holidays.

Seasonally adjusted figures: By removing the seasonal effects, the underlying economic development becomes more evident.

1.3 Seasonally adjusted series

For the production index, construction 5 seasonally series are published; Total, buildings, new buildings, renovation, and civil engineering works.

2. Pre-treatment

2.1 Pre-treatment routines/schemes


2.2 Calendar adjustment


2.2.1 Methods for trading/working day adjustment


2.2.2 Correction for moving holidays

2.2.3 National and EU/euro area calendars

2.3 Treatment of outliers

2.4 Model selection

Pre-treatment requires choosing an ARIMA model, as well as deciding whether the data should be log-transformed or not.

2.5 Decomposition scheme

The decomposition scheme specifies how the various components – basically trend-cycle, seasonal and irregular – combine to form the original series. The most frequently used decomposition schemes are the multiplicative, additive or log additive.

3. Seasonal adjustment

3.1 Choice of seasonal adjustment approach

3.2 Consistency between raw and seasonally adjusted data

3.3 Consistency between aggregate/definition of seasonally adjusted data

In some series, consistency between seasonally adjusted totals and the original series is imposed. For some series there is also a special relationship between the different series, e.g. GDP which equals production minus intermediate consumption.

3.4 Direct versus indirect approach

Direct seasonal adjustment is performed if all time series, including aggregates, are seasonally adjusted on an individual basis. Indirect seasonal adjustment is performed if the seasonally adjusted estimate for a time series is derived by combining the estimates for two or more directly adjusted series.

3.5 Horizon for estimating the model and the correction factors

When performing seasonal adjustment of a time series, it is possible to choose the period to be used in estimating the model and the correction factors. Correction factors are the factors used in the pre-treatment and seasonal adjustment of the series.

4. Revision policies

4.1 General revision policy

Seasonally adjusted data may change due to a revision of the unadjusted (raw) data or the addition of new data. Such changes are called revisions, and there are several ways to deal with the problem of revisions when publishing the seasonally adjusted statistics.


Raw data are not revised.

4.2 Concurrent versus current adjustment

4.3 Horizon for published revisions

5. Quality of seasonal adjustment

5.1 Evaluation of seasonally adjustment data

5.2 Quality measures for seasonal adjustment

6. Specific issues on seasonal adjustment

6.1 Seasonal adjustment of short time series

6.2 Treatment of problematic series

7. Data presentation issues

7.1 Data availability

7.2 Press releases

8. References

Metadata on methods: seasonal adjustment

The Committee for Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments statistics: ESS-Guidelines on seasonal adjustment

EUROSTAT: Seasonal Adjustment. Methods and Practices

US census: X-12-ARIMA-manual

Dinh Quang Pham: Nye US Census-baserte metoder for ukedagseffekter for norske data, Notater 2008/58, Statistisk sentralbyrå

Dinh Quang Pham: Ny metode for påskekorrigering for norske data, Notater 2007/43, Statistisk sentralbyrå.

Ole Klungsøyr: Sesongjustering av tidsserier. Spektralanalyse og filtrering, Notat 2001/54, Statistisk sentralbyrå

Dinh Quang Pham: Innføring i tidsserier - sesongjustering og X-12-ARIMA, Notater 2001/2, Statistisk sentralbyrå