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Holiday dwellings

2   Holiday dwellings. Guest-nights, by nationality of the guests and county. June 2001
  Total Norway Foreign countries, total Sweden Denmark Finland Great Britain Netherlands Germany France Rest of Europe Other countries
The whole country 2000 41 806 17 771 24 035 1 598 2 089 167 357 1 849 15 957 215 1 515 289
The whole country 2001 52 022 23 664 28 358 1 484 1 549 206 825 4 188 18 167 310 1 293 336
Hedmark 1 827 849 979 88 108 2 1 185 574 7 13 1
Oppland 3 040 2 050 990 90 231 21 7 306 229 4 92 10
Buskerud 1 150 464 686 25 178 1 1 263 208 4 5 2
Vestfold1 : : : : : : : : : : : :
Telemark 4 067 2 868 1 199 52 452 6 6 185 465 4 27 2
Aust-Agder 949 840 109 9 31 - - 3 65 - - -
Vest-Agder 4 557 2 620 1 937 9 18 1 6 57 1 781 6 47 12
Rogaland 6 281 2 145 4 136 74 160 4 58 238 3 143 38 380 42
Hordaland 3 296 1 142 2 154 19 21 8 25 118 1 851 10 83 20
Sogn og Fjordane 17 655 5 956 11 698 702 209 115 634 2 511 6 880 100 368 179
Møre og Romsdal 2 237 983 1 253 62 24 5 23 128 943 23 39 7
Sør-Trøndelag1 : : : : : : : : : : : :
Nord-Trøndelag 672 203 468 112 5 1 1 57 238 1 52 0
Nordland 3 148 1 733 1 415 90 26 23 48 68 855 110 138 56
Troms 1 026 301 725 34 6 12 3 - 663 - 3 3
1 The figures are corrected 14.08.01 at 11 o'clock am.

Explanation of symbols

2001 © Statistics Norway