Registered vehicles

Updated: 3 April 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Electric passenger cars at the end of the year
Electric passenger cars at the end of the year
689 169
Registered vehicles
Registered vehicles1
2023Change in per cent
2022 - 20232018 - 2023
Private cars2 2 886 795-1.14.3
Electric cars689 16915.0252.8
Vans509 8830.26.9
Lorries67 402-1.5-6.9
Busses14 587-0.7-6.7
Tractors316 4361.411.2
Special purpose vehicles5 604-5.2-16.6
Mopeds131 922-7.0-19.3
Light motor cycles26 128-5.4-2.3
Heavy motor cycles151 592-3.4-4.8
Snow scooters93 788-2.25.0
Trailers1 602 6901.210.9
1The statistics count all registered vehicles as of 31 December
2Includes ambulances, combined vehicles and motor homes
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Registered vehicles by type of fuel
    Registered vehicles by type of fuel
    PetrolDieselElectricityHybrid (chargeable)Hybrid (non-chargeable)Other fuel1
    Private cars2 761 1631 074 068689 169207 021155 036338
    Vans17 884459 45829 6236537311 534
    Lorries1 80463 1751 132371 281
    Buses13812 1521 41559106717
    Tractors84 504231 6961650071
    Special purpose vehicles1 7793 79925001
    Mopeds122 8404 3454 737000
    Light motor cycles25 80212920330
    Heavy motor cycles149 429512 0780322
    Snow scooters93 764222000
    1Gas, hydrogen and paraffin, among others
    2Includes ambulances, combined vehicles and motor homes
    Explanation of symbols
  • Vehicles scrapped for refund
    Vehicles scrapped for refund
    Vehicles scrapped, totalPrivate carsVansShare of all private cars scrappedShare of all vans scrappedPrivate cars (average age when scrapped)Vans (average age when scrapped)
    2005102 04495 5896 4554.72.118.916.0
    2006105 32498 3596 9654.
    200799 88593 1936 6924.31.818.915.3
    2008107 15398 5528 6014.52.318.715.5
    200994 49787 1377 3603.91.918.514.9
    201098 66290 7587 9043.92.018.414.9
    2011117 520107 7879 7334.62.419.216.2
    2012117 578107 37310 2054.42.418.115.0
    2013150 905137 23913 6665.53.118.415.4
    2014144 385130 96613 4195.23.018.515.6
    2015135 801122 56613 2354.72.918.415.5
    2016134 881121 48413 3974.62.918.315.3
    2017136 203121 38514 8184.
    2018137 134121 83815 2964.
    2019138 855122 38616 4694.43.418.115.3
    2020131 348115 88215 4664.23.118.415.7
    2021119 093105 18113 9123.72.718.316.0
    2022113 338100 40212 9363.52.518.316.1
    2023102 65290 49512 1573.22.418.216.1
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The purpose of the statistics is to show the structure and development of the vehicle fleet, including the number of vehicles by manufacturer and fuel type. The statistics also provide information on the average age of owners of passenger cars and vans and on the number of cars that are scrapped under the refund scheme.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 19 September 2023.

Carrying capacity

Carrying capacity is the differnce between the maximum permissible weight of the vehicle and the sum of the unladen weight of the vehicle and the weight of driver (75 kg).

Total weight of the vehicle

The maximum permissible weight of the vehicle included people and goods.

Combined vehicle

Vehicle mainly with the purpose of transporting passengers and goods, and with at least one row of seats behind the driver's seat and a complete, solid wall between driver's-/passengers room and the room or platform for goods.

Other lorries

Cover recovery vehicles, concrete-mixer lorries, cesspool emptiers, refuse collection trucks, refrigerator vehicles etc.


Distribution on region refers to the address of the owner of the vehicle as registered in The Register of Vehicles at the Directorate of Public Roads. This is not always corresponding with the county/municipality where the vehicle is in use. This applies particularly to vehicles owned by a leasing company.

The vehicle groups are given in and defined in the Norwegian regulation for vehicles.

Name: Registered vehicles
Topic: Transport and tourism

Not yet determined

Division for Energy, Environmental and Transport Statistics

County or municipality.

Frequency: Monthly and annual.

Timeliness: The yearly statistics on registered vehicles refers to 31 December, while the statistics on cars scrapped for refund is a sum for the calendar year. The statistics is published about 12 weeks after the end of the year.

Not relevant

Encrypted production data are stored at micro level.

The purpose is to provide information about the stock of vehicles and about the number of cars that have been scrapped through the refund programme introduced on 1st May 1978.

The statistics on registered goods vehicles were disused in 2003 but some of the tables are continued here. The statistics on cars scrapped for refund were established in 1985 and as from 2007 it was published together with the statistics on registered vehicles.

The statistics are used by environmental authorities and organisations, professional organisations and others interested in information about the age and structure of the stock of vehicles in Norway. There is a great deal of interest in statistics describing the stock of vehicles, especially from people dealing with traffic safety and environmental issues. The statistics also provide an important basis for estimating domestic transport performances.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 08 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Figures on the stock of passenger cars distributed on municipality are published in KOSTRA (Transport).

Key figures for first registration of passenger cars are published monthly as part of business cycles indicators .

Some main tables are published in Statistical Yearbook .

Not relevant

The statistics on registered vehicles cover vehicles with mounted number plates as of 31 December. It cover vehicles with all kinds of Norwegian number plates except trade plates.

The statistics on cars scrapped for refund cover private cars and vans with a total weight of less than 3.5 tonnes.

The Register of Vehicles at the Directorate of Public Roads and vehicle refund data from the Directorate of Customs and Excise. The Register of Vehicles contains technical and other information about vehicle stocks in Norway. The vehicle refund data contain information on the number of scrapped vehicles as well as the scrapping date. Via the number plates of the scrapped vehicles it is possible to obtain valuable information on the specific vehicles removed from traffic.

Monthly data is collected through the Directorate of Public Roads' API solution for The Register of Vehicles.

Data file from The Register of Vehicles at the Directorate of Public Roads covering a situational report on the 31st of December

Data file from the Directorate of Customs and Excise covering the total summary of vehicles scrapped for refund during the last calendar year.

The statistics are estimated by counting vehicles fulfilling the given criteria. For private cars and vans the average age is estimated.

The monthly data is seasonally adjusted.

Not relevant.

For the statistics on cars scrapped for refund comparable statistics are given back to 1985. Figures for scrapped vehicles 1999-2003 have been corrected. Previously these tables included vehicles where the numberplate had been dismounted in the last six years. From 2004 all tables include vehicles where the numberplate had been dismounted after 1977.

Mistakes may occur when registration information is punched at the time of registration of new vehicles or re-registration of already registered vehicles.

Loading of data in the AUTOSYS-database is done via online connection, and problems with delayed registration are considered as minimal.

In evaluating the material, the makes' market share over time should be taken into consideration. It must also be emphasized that the average age of scrapped vehicles of different makes cannot necessarily be used as an estimate of theNot relevant age of the corresponding vehicles manufactured today.

Not relevant
