The statistics were due to be published on 24 March 2025 but have been postponed indefinitely.
Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Population of Svalbard
The statistics give a view of the population of Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund by age, sex and household size, as well as in- and out migration, births and deaths. It additionally gives the number of people in Barentsburg and Hornsund.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Population in Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund, by sex and ageDownload table as ...Population in Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund, by sex and age
2nd half year 2024 Total Males Females Total 2 595 1 370 1 225 0 years 8 3 5 1-5 years 77 37 40 6-12 years 155 71 84 13-15 years 61 31 30 16-19 years 77 41 36 20-44 years 1 493 772 721 45-66 years 674 383 291 67 years or older 50 32 18 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Population and population changes during the year in Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund, by place of registered residence outside Svalbard.Download table as ...Population and population changes during the year in Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund, by place of registered residence outside Svalbard.
2023 Northern Norway Southern Norway From abroad Population at the beginning of the year 524 1 120 886 Births 1 7 1 Deaths 0 2 1 Excess of births 1 5 0 Immigration 76 289 213 Emigration 111 276 121 Net migration -35 13 92 Correction 3 -27 13 Population growth -37 45 79 Population at the end of the year 487 1 165 965 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Population in the settlements. SvalbardDownload table as ...Population in the settlements. Svalbard
Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund Barentsburg and Pyramiden Hornsund Resident on the mainland From abroad, not resident on the mainland 2nd half year 2012 1 788 407 439 8 1st half year 2013 1 748 410 471 8 2nd half year 2013 1 745 450 493 10 1st half year 2014 1 662 438 436 10 2nd half year 2014 1 661 457 434 10 1st half year 2015 1 692 493 471 10 2nd half year 2015 1 645 544 468 10 1st half year 2016 1 614 538 492 10 2nd half year 2016 1 595 567 495 10 1st half year 2017 1 565 580 428 10 2nd half year 2017 1 571 639 532 10 1st half year 2018 1 555 659 514 10 2nd half year 2018 1 586 724 467 10 1st half year 2019 1 581 677 458 10 2nd half year 2019 1 672 707 537 10 1st half year 2020 1 697 731 501 10 2nd half year 2020 1 657 760 455 12 1st half year 2021 1 706 753 400 10 2nd half year 2021 1 795 757 378 10 1st half year 2022 1 753 751 391 10 2nd half year 2022 1 654 752 413 10 1st half year 2023 1 717 813 357 10 2nd half year 2023 1 740 856 488 10 1st half year 2024 1 754 863 415 10 2nd half year 20241 2 1 697 898 340 10 1Number of residents in Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund registered resident on the mainland corrected with correct figures 24 August 2022 21. half is defined as 1 January. 2. half is defined as 1 July. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Private households and persons in private households by size of household. Longyearbyen and Ny-ÅlesundDownload table as ...Private households and persons in private households by size of household. Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund
2nd half year 20241 Private households, number Private households, per cent Persons in private households, number Persons in private households, per cent 1 person 666 49.2 666 25.7 2 persons 380 28.0 760 29.3 3 persons 154 11.4 462 17.8 4 persons 100 7.4 400 15.4 5 persons or more 55 4.1 307 11.8 11. halvår is defined as 1 January. 2. halvår is defined as 1 July. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Population and population changes during half of the year in Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund, by place of registered residence outside SvalbardDownload table as ...Population and population changes during half of the year in Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund, by place of registered residence outside Svalbard
1st half year 2024 Northern Norway Southern Norway From abroad Population at the beginning of the half year 487 1 165 965 Births 0 2 0 Deaths 1 0 0 Excess of births -1 2 0 Immigration 39 109 93 Emigration 50 144 68 Net migration -11 -35 25 Correction -1 6 -3 Population growth -11 -39 28 Population at the end of the half year 476 1 126 993 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 3 June 2021.
All persons with a personal identification number who are resident in a municipality on the mainland, and persons that have been issued with a D-number for tax purposes in Norway, but who are not deemed to be resident in a Norwegian municipality.
Population growth
There are two ways of calculating population growth; 1) the total of excess of births over deaths and net migration, or 2) the difference between the population at the end of the quarter minus population at the beginning of the half-year. Ideally the two methods should give the same result, but extensive experience in corresponding statistics for the Norwegian mainland shows that there is always a discrepancy between these two methods.
Excess of births over deaths
The difference between births and deaths, also called "net natural increase in the total population". A minus sign means an excess of deaths over births.
Live births
Net migration
The difference between inward migration and outward migration. A minus sign means net outward migration. Inward migration, outward migration: Migration is the relocation of one person between Svalbard and a Norwegian municipality or between Svalbard and abroad.
Persons subject to taxes who are not resident in Norway are issued with a D-number by the tax authorities. The D-number is also issued to other non-residents when the Norwegian authorities require an unambiguous identification definition.