Statistikk innhold

Statistics about


The statistics show the extent of immigration to and emigration from Norway, as well as the numbers moving within and between Norwegian municipalities and counties. A person who moves several times during the calendar year is counted the corresponding number of times.

Updated: 13 March 2025
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • In-migration and out-migration, by citizenship
    In-migration and out-migration, by citizenship
    ImmigrationEmigrationNet immigrationNet immigration
    Total66 07731 96834 10952 578
    Norway7 2639 159-1 896-3 084
    Foreign58 81422 80936 00555 662
    EU27/EFTA27 80919 3968 4136 303
    European countries outside EU27/EFTA22 2366 36015 87632 646
    Africa2 8647492 1152 658
    Asia10 5103 6066 9049 559
    North America1 019851168318
    Latin America and the Caribbean1 256829427904
    Selected citizenship
    Ukraine20 2895 48714 80230 505
    Syria2 490912 3993 003
    India1 5939276661 421
    Poland4 0712 4671 6041 987
    Philippines1 200574626771
    Romania1 324336988823
    Sweden2 4281 1461 282935
    Explanation of symbols
  • All migrations, internal and immigration/emigration, by county
    All migrations, internal and immigration/emigration, by county1
    In-migrationOut-migrationNet migration, totalIn-migration, domesticOut-migration, domesticNet migration, domesticImmigrationEmmigrationNet migration (not domestic)
    The whole country319 369285 26034 109253 292253 292066 07731 96834 109
    Østfold11 4248 8602 5648 7167 5331 1832 7081 3271 381
    Akershus38 09928 5299 57031 51724 2957 2226 5824 2342 348
    Oslo42 14740 7921 35531 58433 745-2 16110 5637 0473 516
    Innlandet14 17411 7812 3939 45910 187-7284 7151 5943 121
    Buskerud11 4619 8981 5638 6308 5191112 8311 3791 452
    Vestfold10 1858 4411 7447 3107 363-532 8751 0781 797
    Telemark6 8195 7181 1014 3685 061-6932 4516571 794
    Agder10 8659 0031 8627 0957 631-5363 7701 3722 398
    Rogaland13 46010 3913 0698 4087 3751 0335 0523 0162 036
    Vestland17 35014 7562 59410 65211 300-6486 6983 4563 242
    Møre og Romsdal9 1707 4971 6735 8316 163-3323 3391 3342 005
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage16 05112 9983 05310 43810 2941445 6132 7042 909
    Nordland - Nordlánnda9 8689 0807885 2877 784-2 4974 5811 2963 285
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa8 0317 1998325 0176 116-1 0993 0141 0831 931
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku3 5863 638-522 3013 247-9461 285391894
    1Except migration between municipalities within the county
    Explanation of symbols
  • Immigration and emigration. Total, Norwegian and foreign citizenship.
    Immigration and emigration. Total, Norwegian and foreign citizenship.
    Immigration, totalEmigration, totalNet migration, totalNorwegian citizens, immigrationNorwegian citizens, emigrationForeign citizens, immigrationForeign citizens, emigration
    197218 38813 9654 4237 9857 36610 4036 599
    197317 38313 9393 4447 4908 2239 8935 716
    197419 20914 2874 9227 6918 23811 5186 049
    197519 55114 7824 7697 6317 97111 9206 811
    197618 95514 0664 8896 9467 24212 0096 824
    197719 40314 3695 0347 5747 28911 8297 080
    197818 82514 8513 9746 6427 22712 1837 624
    197917 83115 0852 7466 6187 46611 2137 619
    198018 77614 7054 0716 9437 41711 8337 288
    198119 69814 5225 1766 6377 27013 0617 252
    198220 46814 7285 7406 4787 51013 9907 218
    198320 06315 7784 2856 9737 82313 0907 955
    198419 68815 9273 7616 8518 31012 8377 617
    198521 85815 6306 2286 9528 10814 9067 522
    198624 19616 7457 4517 6628 32116 5348 424
    198731 14917 38013 7697 3568 78923 7938 591
    198829 96419 82110 1436 92310 50123 0419 320
    198925 84727 300-1 4537 46316 73718 38410 563
    199025 49423 7841 7109 80014 01615 6949 768
    199126 28318 2388 04510 2099 88116 0748 357
    199226 74316 8019 9429 5818 74417 1628 057
    199331 71118 90312 8089 4168 45222 29510 451
    199426 91119 4757 4369 0449 89217 8679 583
    199525 67819 3126 3669 19610 32016 4828 992
    199626 40720 5905 8179 21110 55817 19610 032
    199731 95721 25710 7009 93111 22322 02610 034
    199836 70422 88113 8239 95710 87626 74712 005
    199941 84122 84218 9999 61110 15232 23012 690
    200036 54226 8549 6888 75711 92327 78514 931
    200134 26426 3097 9558 85211 09325 41215 216
    200240 12222 94817 1749 33410 67530 78812 273
    200335 95724 67211 2859 17010 32726 78714 345
    200436 48223 27113 2118 6189 41527 86413 856
    200540 14821 70918 4398 7939 08131 35512 628
    200645 77622 05323 7238 3519 56337 42512 490
    200761 77422 12239 6528 2768 79853 49813 324
    200866 96123 61543 3468 1408 45758 82115 158
    200965 18626 54938 6378 5048 16856 68218 381
    201073 85231 50642 3468 7879 01065 06522 496
    201179 49832 46647 0328 7399 58370 75922 883
    201278 57031 22747 3438 5589 92970 01221 298
    201375 78935 71640 0738 85510 68066 93425 036
    201470 03031 87538 1558 6018 55561 42923 320
    201567 27637 47429 8028 20810 09059 06825 844
    201666 80040 72426 0768 2929 99458 50830 730
    201758 19236 84321 3498 41810 22049 77426 623
    201852 48534 38218 1038 0799 85644 40624 526
    201952 15326 82625 3277 5839 25644 57017 570
    202038 07526 74411 3317 2576 88430 81819 860
    202153 94734 29719 6507 3438 28846 60426 009
    202290 47532 53657 9397 1949 41483 28123 122
    202386 58934 01152 5787 09610 18079 49323 831
    202466 07731 96834 1097 2639 15958 81422 809
    Explanation of symbols
  • Internal migration. Total between municipalities
    Internal migration. Total between municipalities
    TotalPer 1000 mean population
    2015245 73547.3
    2016241 36246.1
    2017248 52747.1
    2018244 35346.0
    2019245 46745.9
    2020247 25746.0
    2021260 34548.1
    2022254 85446.7
    2023264 14947.9
    2024253 29245.5
    Explanation of symbols
  • Internal migration
    Internal migration1 2
    MigrationsMigration per 1000 mean population
    Between municipalities253 29245.5
    Within counties127 58522.9
    Between six regions (2020-)96 75117.4
    1Oslo and Viken are here considered as one county.
    2Regions: Oslo and Viken; Innlandet; Agder and South Eastern Norway (Agder, and Vestfold og Telemark); Western Norway (Rogaland, Vestland, and Møre og Romsdal); Trøndelag; Northern Norway (Nordland, and Troms og Finnmark).
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 3 June 2021.


Who is regarded as a resident of Norway and where in Norway a person shall be counted as a resident, is stipulated in the Population Registration Act of January 16th 1970. The regulations to the act were amended effective February 1st 1980.

The following main points from the registration rules decide who is regarded as a resident of Norway

Persons from countries outside the Nordic countries are regarded as residents of Norway when they have lived here or intend to live here at least 6 months, even though the stay is temporary. The same six-month rule applies to migration from Norway to a country outside the Nordic countries.

The aforementioned six-month rule does not always apply to migration between Norway and another Nordic country. In Denmark, for example, a person is registered as a resident if the person intends to stay in the country at least 3 months. The same limit is used for out-migration. In Sweden and Finland the limit is one year. For persons who come/move to Norway from another Nordic country, the six-month rule is still valid, as residence is decided by the country of immigration's rules, cf. the Nordic agreement on inter-Nordic migration dated 8 May 1989. This agreement replaced a similar agreement from December 5th 1968.

People living in Svalbard, on Jan Mayen or in Norwegian dependencies who on departure were registered in the population register of a Norwegian municipality shall still be counted as residents of that municipality. The same rules apply to people on the Norwegian continental shelf.

Norwegian foreign and consular service staff and Norwegian military personnel posted for duty abroad are counted as residents of Norway. The same applies to their families.

Foreign staff at foreign embassies and consular services and foreign personnel attached to NATO are not counted as residents of Norway. The same applies to their families.

The main rule for where in Norway a person is regarded as a resident is that the person resides where he/she has their regular daily rest (night's sleep). If the daily rest is taken in shifts at one or more places, the person is regarded as residing where, overall, they can be said to live on a regular basis. Spouses with a joint home and persons sharing a joint home with their children are regarded as residing in this home without regard to where they have their daily rest.

Single persons who attend school in another municipality are as a main rule still regarded as resident of the place they lived before starting school (the residence of their parents). Similar registration principles also apply to conscripts serving their initial military service, alternative national service conscripts, prisoners, and people admitted to hospitals. Persons admitted to or placed in other institutions or private care are as a main rule regarded as residents when the stay is intended to last, or turns out to last, at least 6 months.

From March 1987 to January 1994 asylum seekers were usually counted as immigrants and hence also as residents even though the processing of their application for residence had not been completed. Before and after this period, only asylum seekers with residence permits have been registered.

In-migration, out-migration

Migration is when one person moves from one Norwegian municipality to another or between a Norwegian municipality and abroad. If a person moves several times during the same calendar year, each move counts. In the migration figures for counties and regions moves between the municipalities in the county/region are not counted.

Net migration

The difference between in-migration and out-migration.

Rate: Events in a period divided by population. The period is often 1 year. For five year periods the tables are published with the average for the five-year period, e.g. internal migration broken down by five age groups per 1 000 mean population in the same age group.


Centralisation is the geographical location of a municipality compared to an urban settlements of a particular size. The level of centralisation is classified in 4 main categories, coded 3 – 0. Code 3 centralisation is achieved when the physical centre of the population of a municipality is within 75 minutes of travel from an urban settlement with a population of minimum of 50 000 inhabitants (90 minutes from Oslo). To achieve code 3, an additional requirement is that the urban settlement in question acts as a regional centre. Code 2 means a maximum travel of 60 minutes to an urban settlement with the minimum of 15 000 inhabitants. Code 1 means a maximum travel of 45 minutes to an urban settlement with the minimum of 5 000 inhabitants. The municipalities that do not fulfil any of these requirements get the code 0.

“Central municipalities” is coded 3, “Fairly central municipalities” is coded 2, “Fairly remote municipalities” is coded 1, and “Remote municipalities” is coded 0.


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