Updated: 13 February 2025
Next update: Not yet determined
Number | Per 1 000 | |
Girl's names | ||
Nora/Norah/Noora | 385 | 15 |
Emma | 379 | 15 |
Olivia/Oliwia | 342 | 13 |
Sofie/Sophie | 329 | 13 |
Ella | 324 | 13 |
Maja/Maia/Maya | 307 | 12 |
Sofia/Sophia | 307 | 12 |
Leah/Lea | 303 | 12 |
Selma | 291 | 11 |
Ellinor | 280 | 11 |
Boy's names | ||
Lucas/Lukas | 431 | 16 |
Noah/Noa | 402 | 15 |
Oliver | 398 | 14 |
Emil | 396 | 14 |
Jakob/Jacob | 386 | 14 |
William | 360 | 13 |
Theodor/Teodor | 356 | 13 |
Ludvig/Ludvik/Ludwig | 336 | 12 |
Liam | 330 | 12 |
Johannes | 322 | 12 |
About the statistics
Statistics on the names of all registered inhabitants of Norway. Find the most popular names for boys and girls born last year, and for all years back to 1880. All names with more than three bearers give hits in the name search engine.
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 13 January 2023.
Non Norwegian letters
Some names include non-Norwegian letters. The management in the register has not been consistent. Therefore the non-Norwegian letters are "translated". The coding is as follows
- È to E
- É toE
- Ô to O
- ' to blank
- Ä to Æ
- Ü to Y
- Ö to Ø
Name: Names
Topic: Population
Division for Population Statistics
No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 08 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.
The register of residents