Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Pesticide use
The statistics show the use of pesticides and biological control agents in greenhouses and pesticide use in agriculture.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Agricultural area with use of pesticides, by cropsDownload table as ...Agricultural area with use of pesticides, by crops
2022 Total area (decares) Sprayed area (decares) Sprayed area (per cent) Total 9 414 700 3 020 610 32.1 Barley 1 313 920 1 192 190 90.7 Oats 630 750 559 080 88.6 Oil seeds 30 120 21 040 69.9 Potato 118 960 116 350 97.8 Onion 9 030 8 840 97.9 Carrot 15 780 15 370 97.4 Strawberry 9 430 8 700 92.3 Apple 15 820 13 770 87.0 Meadows for mowing and pastures 6 514 230 369 020 5.7 Spring wheat 426 120 401 400 94.2 Winter wheat 326 610 311 410 95.3 Common cabbage 3 930 3 440 87.5 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Use of pesticides in agriculture, by type of pesticide.Download table as ...Use of pesticides in agriculture, by type of pesticide.
2022 Per cent change from Tonnes active substance 2017 - 2022 2014 - 2022 All pesticides 311 21.1 -5.3 Fungicides 63 -11.8 -13.2 Insecticides 6 850.0 470.0 Herbicides 199 38.0 -12.8 Other 43 7.0 64.2 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Use of pesticide in agriculture by type of pesticide. Tonnes active substanceDownload table as ...Use of pesticide in agriculture by type of pesticide. Tonnes active substance
2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 2022 All pesticides 354 282 318 328 256 311 Fungicides 95 75 81 73 72 63 Insecticides 3 3 1 1 1 6 Herbicides 223 185 214 228 144 199 Other 33 20 22 26 40 43 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Use of pesticides on area of different crops, by type of pesticide.Download table as ...Use of pesticides on area of different crops, by type of pesticide.
Total area. Decares Per cent of area sprayed with Herbicides Fungicides Insecticides Growth regulators Other products 2022 Barley 1 313 920 88 63 3 44 9 Oats 630 750 87 9 2 37 8 Oil seeds 30 120 41 33 27 0 14 Potato 118 960 95 93 29 0 62 Onion 9 030 98 97 60 0 7 Carrot 15 780 97 79 42 0 4 Strawberry 9 430 61 87 75 0 19 Apple 15 820 64 85 74 0 9 Meadows for mowing and pastures 6 514 230 4 0 0 0 1 Spring wheat 426 120 94 71 4 43 9 Winter wheat 326 610 94 80 2 44 11 Common cabbage 3 930 79 48 81 0 7 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Holdings with spraying on area of different crops and area sprayed.Download table as ...Holdings with spraying on area of different crops and area sprayed.
2022 Holdings, total Holdings with spraying Holdings with spraying, per cent Total area, decares Area sprayed, decares Per cent of area sprayed Barley 6 900 6 180 90 1 313 920 1 192 190 91 Oats 4 520 3 930 87 630 750 559 080 89 Oil seeds 300 210 69 30 120 21 040 70 Potato 1 440 830 57 118 960 116 350 98 Onion 160 90 55 9 030 8 840 98 Carrot 270 190 73 15 780 15 370 97 Strawberry 280 200 72 9 430 8 700 92 Apple 810 530 65 15 820 13 770 87 Meadows for mowing and pastures 29 270 7 020 24 6 514 230 369 020 6 Spring wheat 2 710 2 480 92 426 120 401 400 94 Winter wheat 1 920 1 800 94 326 610 311 410 95 Common cabbage 140 80 58 3 930 3 440 88 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 5 December 2023.
Agricultural holding
A single unit both technically and economically, which has single management and which produces agricultural products. The holding is independent of municipality boundaries. The agricultural holding's headquarter must be located to an agricultural property.
Plant protection product
Substance whose purpose is to protect against or hamper attack on plants from harmful organisms, like animal pests, fungi and weeds, which cause harm to living plants, parts of plants or seed. Pesticides also include inter alia growth regulators and substances that kill parts of a plant.
The survey does not include pesticides used for staining of seeds or juvenile plants before they are planted out.
Agricultural area in use
Agricultural land that is harvested at least once during a year, including planted area of permanent crops, where no harvest has been produced so far. Includes also arable land included in the crop rotation system with no intention to produce a harvest during the year, but which will be harvested the next year.
A plot of land is the part of a field (or its entirety) used for a specific crop or a combination of crops.
Spot spraying
Spraying of part of plot, borderlines or against a particularly pest, e.g. nortern dock.
Meadows and pastureland
Includes cultivated and surface-cultivated meadow for mowing and pasturing including infield pasture.
Grain and oil-seeds
Includes barley, oats, spring wheat, winter wheat and oil-seeds. The survey does not include rye and triticale.
Taxes on pesticides
The taxes on pesticides consist of environmental taxes and control taxes.
Treated area
The basic area treated defined as the physical area of the crop treated at least once with a given active substance or group of substances, independently of the number of applications.
Gross treated area
The aggregate area of all repeated applications of any given plant protection product or group of plant protection products.
Agricultural area in use (concerning the survey of pesticide usage on arable crops):
0-99 decares
100-199 decares
200-299 decares
300- decares
Potato, onion, cabbage, carrot, strawberry and apple area:
1-19 decares
20-99 decares
100-199 decares
200- decares
Meadows and pastureland, barley, oats, spring wheat, winter wheat and oil-seeds area:
1-199 decares
100-199 decares
200-399 decares
400- decares