Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Church of Norway

The annual church statistics give a summary of the Church of Norway activity in parishes/municipalities. These statistics are published at by diocese and municipality. The statistics give information about church rituals such as baptisms, confirmations, weddings, burials and church service attendance.

Updated: 17 March 2025
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Church of Norway - main figures
    Church of Norway - main figures1
    Members of the Church of Norway (number)3 789 3713 472 1953 449 014
    Members of The Church of Norway as a percentage of inhabitants (per cent)72.762.661.7
    Infants baptized (number)34 11626 50327 176
    Baptized as a percentage of births (per cent)57.851.050.4
    Confirmed (number)39 52732 98033 016
    Confirmed as a percentage of persons 15-years old (per cent)61.548.447.6
    Church funerals (number)36 79736 11235 716
    Church burials as a percentage of all deaths (per cent)90.482.480.9
    1Figures published in March are preliminary. Final figures are published in June.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Church of Norway. Church services and participants, by diocese
    Church of Norway. Church services and participants, by diocese
    Services totalParticipitations, totalChurch services sundays and holidaysParticipitations in church services sundays and holidaysChurch services except sundays and holidaysParticipitations in church services except sundays and holidaysServices with communionParticipants communionChristmas Eve servicesParticipitations Christmas Eve services
    202356 0724 302 30642 4163 247 53213 6561 054 77428 0291 000 1432 247409 691
    202257 5844 199 10444 0753 166 06013 5091 033 04427 783901 0082 297378 941
    202151 2802 360 82840 2401 890 87511 040469 95318 800480 5052 211106 388
    202048 4832 360 70338 0241 927 05010 459433 65317 927555 7242 282117 864
    201960 1665 249 06944 8033 994 22115 3631 254 84832 6271 311 1082 352539 647
    201860 3965 318 19345 1224 076 20915 2741 241 98432 4591 291 2572 347537 027
    Oslo diocese5 347453 4293 715332 5261 632120 9033 586164 80619250 634
    Borg diocese6 026464 7414 531339 3681 495125 3733 161114 37323742 593
    Hamar diocese5 307314 5914 304252 5641 00362 0272 50155 10823134 235
    Tunsberg diocese4 886348 7823 701268 0231 18580 7592 48282 20821238 839
    Agder og Telemark diocese6 389517 2895 027410 4421 362106 8472 791129 29624749 950
    Stavanger diocese5 085545 6463 874427 0101 211118 6362 471138 52319648 583
    Bjørgvin diocese7 584585 0165 859438 9751 725146 0413 718125 87732950 845
    Møre diocese3 339286 2522 671214 98466871 2681 70160 60012822 636
    Nidaros diocese5 250373 4423 546259 1671 704114 2752 08057 85818831 925
    Sør-Hålogaland diocese3 198196 8212 562153 19763643 6241 63332 40713820 251
    Nord-Hålogaland diocese3 661216 2972 626151 2761 03565 0211 90539 08714919 200
    Explanation of symbols
  • Church of Norway. Members and church ceremonies, by diocese
    Church of Norway. Members and church ceremonies, by diocese
    Members of the Church of NorwayEnrolledResignedBaptizedConfirmedChurch weddingsChurch burials
    20233 476 2114 02416 71026 50332 6526 35635 789
    20223 500 4382 47516 56228 57732 7167 39438 066
    20213 526 1332 37914 85227 13933 6124 85135 229
    20203 655 5562 34312 65323 82233 0834 39434 605
    20193 686 7153 35319 03728 01134 5136 21434 765
    20183 724 8572 09611 87728 59735 2487 04835 683
    Oslo diocese428 3096673 0073 0732 9436243 766
    Borg diocese457 2925332 2613 0074 1687324 642
    Hamar diocese289 2952341 0382 0502 6176183 821
    Tunsberg diocese322 5643741 6272 1512 7236303 820
    Agder og Telemark diocese311 7635581 4702 4783 0657123 523
    Stavanger diocese317 9284321 6443 0323 6736432 799
    Bjørgvin diocese448 7834552 0683 6134 8527914 388
    Møre diocese199 9152026931 6142 3063502 162
    Nidaros diocese340 4252721 5632 7763 0865982 915
    Sør-Hålogaland diocese180 3521417081 3511 6393122 131
    Nord-Hålogaland diocese175 5691566311 3581 5803461 822
    Unknown diocese4 016212100000
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 21 December 2023.

Members and Affiliates

Until 2020, the variable included both members and affiliates of the Church of Norway. Starting from 2021 the variable only includes members of the Church of Norway.


Baptized includes both infant and adult baptisms. Baptism figures from 2016 onwards show the total number of baptisms. Therefore, the number cannot be compared with previous years' indicators, as they reflected performed baptismal acts.


Includes only church weddings performed by the Church of Norway.


Funerals are a general term for the process that takes place when the deceased is to be buried. A funeral can take place through cremation or coffin burial.

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