Release rescheduled

The next release has been moved back from 28 January to 11 March 2025.

Central government revenue and expenditure

Updated: 31 October 2024

Next update: 11 March 2025

Surplus before net transfers to the Government Pension Fund Global
Surplus before net transfers to the Government Pension Fund Global
3rd quarter 2024
NOK billion
Central government fiscal account. Quarterly figures. NOK million.
Central government fiscal account. Quarterly figures. NOK million.
3rd quarter 20233rd quarter 2024Change in per cent
A. Total income44851113.9
Operating surplus extraction of petroleum395949.9
Tax revenue2282394.7
Members' and employers' contribution to the National Insurance Scheme1391453.9
Interest and dividends263843.9
Other revenue153099.5
B. Total expenditure39844211.1
Operating costs525811.7
Total fixed capital formation172755.3
Total transfers3293588.7
C. Surplus before net transfers to The Government Pension Fund – Global5068
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Central government fiscal account. Revenue and expenditure by type. Quarterly figures. NOK Billion.
    Central government fiscal account. Revenue and expenditure by type. Quarterly figures. NOK Billion.1
    3rd quarter 20234th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 2024
    A. Total revenue448637567661511
    Sales revenue6145712
    Operating surplus extraction of petroleum3958595359
    Depreciation etc. extraction of petroleum77787
    Depreciation etc. other central government enterprises01001
    Other revenue from fixed capital formation01120
    Total transfers396556494592433
    Tax revenue228434304457239
    Members' contributions National Insurance Scheme5535544057
    Employers' contributions National Insurance Scheme8446884488
    Interest and dividends2638274738
    Transfers from other state accounts00009
    Transfers from municipalities and county authorities11111
    Transfers from the central bank001800
    Other transfers12321
    B. Total expenses398458513477442
    Operating costs5275546258
    Wages and salaries2627293328
    Goods and services1625161819
    Other operating expenses92391112
    Operating deficit central government enterprises00000
    Total fixed capital formation1730192027
    Construction etc. extraction of petroleum77887
    Construction etc. other central government enterprises24222
    Other fixed capital formation819101018
    Total transfers329352440395358
    Transfers to other state accounts236361723
    Transfers to municipalities and county authorities61757910561
    Pensions benefits etc. National Insurance Scheme153163154170166
    Interest expenditure32434
    Other transfers89106166100103
    C. Surplus before net transfers to The Government Pension Fund – Global including debt instalments501805418568
    D. Net transfers to The Government Pension Fund – Global139145969299
    E=C-D Surplus before financial transactions-8935-4293-31
    F. Lending minus repayments-2847223-17
    G. Debt instalments056300
    H=F+G-E Total financing including debt instalments6117127-9014
    1The quarterly figures are subjected to chance variations and are not revised. They should be interpreted with caution.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Central government fiscal account. Revenue and expenditure by type. Annual figures. NOK Billion.
    Central government fiscal account. Revenue and expenditure by type. Annual figures. NOK Billion.
    A. Total1 5032 6682 4942 3892 250
    Sales revenue2234312629
    Operating surplus extraction of petroleum182529277296219
    Depreciation etc. extraction of petroleum2626272932
    Depreciation etc. other central government enterprises22222
    Other revenue from fixed capital formation23222
    Total transfers1 2692 0752 1552 0331 966
    Tax revenue8211 5661 5471 4181 345
    Members' contributions National Insurance Scheme164170181191197
    Employers' contributions National Insurance Scheme206226248265269
    Interest and dividends5089159116121
    Transfers from other state accounts11191
    Transfers from municipalities and county authorities12233
    Other transfers11109810
    B. Total expenses1 5841 6661 8071 8932 021
    Operating costs199223237246275
    Wages and salaries102107113115130
    Goods and services6270758189
    Other operating expenses3747505056
    Operating deficit central government enterprises-3-1000
    Total fixed capital formation73808788104
    Construction etc. extraction of petroleum2528302630
    Construction etc. other central government enterprises46988
    Other fixed capital formation4446485466
    Total transfers1 3121 3631 4831 5591 643
    Transfers to other state accounts7175788371
    Transfers to municipalities and county authorities271266303326344
    Pensions benefits etc. National Insurance Scheme549564612651701
    Interest expenditure108111216
    Other transfers412450479486510
    C. Surplus before net transfers to the Government pension fund - global-811 002688496229
    D. Surplus before net transfers to the Government pension fund - global-103975692496229
    E=C-D Surplus before financial transactions2127-400
    F. Lending minus repayments992-8234110
    G. Debt instalments74101006864
    H=F+G-E Total financing including debt instalments627422102174
    Explanation of symbols
  • Net government cash flow from petroleum activities. Quarterly figures. NOK billion
    Net government cash flow from petroleum activities. Quarterly figures. NOK billion
    3rd quarter 20234th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 2024
    Taxes on the extraction of petroleum721617815559
    Environmental taxes and area fees05030
    Net cash flow from SDFI3958595460
    Equinor dividend1920191514
    Explanation of symbols
  • Net government cash flow from petroleum activities. Annual figures. NOK billion
    Net government cash flow from petroleum activities. Annual figures. NOK billion
    Taxes on the extraction of petroleum2886714614
    Environmental taxes and area fees7679
    Net cash flow from SDFI56185529277
    Equinor dividend15103578
    Total1072881 285978
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The central government’s fiscal account shows its total revenue and expenditure. The revenues include tax revenues, contributions to the National Insurance Scheme and petroleum-related revenues. The expenditure consists mainly of transfers, fixed capital formation and operating costs.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 8 December 2023.

Total revenue: Total gross revenue before transfers to the Government Pension Fund - Global.

Total expenditure: Total gross expenditure before transfers to the Government Pension Fund - Global.

Surplus before net transfers to the Government Pension Fund - Global: Total revenue minus total expenditure.

Surplus before financial transactions: Surplus after net transfers to the Government Pension Fund - Global.

Gross financing including debt instalments: Deficit before financial transactions plus lending minus repayments and debt instalments.

Financing: Use of capital to cover deficits before net transfers to the Government Pension Fund - Global is financed, distributed by main groups of financial instruments.

Financial instrument: Financial asset or liability with similar characteristics. Deposits, loans and securities are examples of financial objects.

Not relevant

Name: Central government's fiscal account
Topic: Public sector

11 March 2025

Division for Public Finance

National level only.

Monthly figures for revenue and expeniture are only published in StatBank. They are updated on the last workday of the following month and this update is not included in the overview of planned releases and events.

Quarterly figures are usually published within one and a half months after the end of the quarter. Annual figures are published when figures for the 4th quarter are published.

Budget figures are updated in the StatBank when figures for the 3rd and 4th quarter are published.

Monthly figures are reported to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Collected and revised data are stored securely by Statistics Norway in compliance with applicable legislation on data processing.

Statistics Norway can grant access to the source data (de-identified or anonymised microdata) on which the statistics are based, for researchers and public authorities for the purposes of preparing statistical results and analyses. Access can be granted upon application and subject to conditions. Refer to the details about this at Access to data from Statistics Norway.

The purpose is to provide the public access long time series to the central government's fiscal account, including the National Insurance Scheme. In addition, according to agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Norway is obliged to publish such accounting statistics.

Annual and quarterly figures are available from 1985 while monthly figures are available from 2003. Figures of some principle revenue items are available from 1980.

The general public, media and IMF are important users of the statistics. The figures in the central government’s fiscal accounts is also a central source of the statistics regarding the national accounts and public finances.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

The statistics are not based on international standards. The figures for the central government's fiscal accounts are in principle final at the time of publishing. Figures from the statistics are included in processed form in the statistics General government revenue and expenditure and the National Accounts.

The statistics are developed, produced and disseminated pursuant to Act no. 32 of 21 June 2019 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway (the Statistics Act).

The statistics are part of the national program for official statistics 2021-2023, main area Public finances.

Not relevant

The population comprises all administrative bodies that report to the central government's fiscal account. Non-corporate state enterprises and state lending institutions are partially included (most of them on a net basis), but not public corporations.

The statistics are based on data from The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ), which is responsible for preparing the national accounts. The central government's fiscal account is an administrative register that contains cash-based transactions for gross budgeting state administrative bodies, the state's business operations and the state lending institutions.

The figures that make up the state accounts are obtained electronically from DFØ.

The statistics are not subject to editing. Some simple calculations are made based on the classifications of the data from DFØ.

Not relevant

Not relevant

Major breaks in the time series do not occur. Certain minor breaches may occur since the state accounts' chart of accounts is continuously adjusted by decision in the Parlament, but presumably such adjustments have not had a significant impact on comparability over time.

The data is considered to be of high quality as there are extensive regulations and controls linked to the preparation of these accounts. Furthermore, it is not hard for Statistics Norway to carry out checks of the finished figures in the statistics against the source data. The uncertainty of the figures in the statistics is therefore considered low.

Published figures are considered final - and are seldom revised.
