StatBank Norway
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Our release time for all statistics is 08:00 CET.
At 05:00 and 11:30 StatBank’s metadata are updated, and the tables can be temporarily unavailable for up to five minutes. Published figures which are being revised are shown as ‘ 0 ’ or ‘ . ’ between 05:00 and 08:00.
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- Agricultural area and livestock (discontinued)
- Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields
- Farmers’ income and debt
- Greenhouses and nurseries (discontinued)
- Holdings, agricultural area and livestock
- Horticultural production
- Livestock husbandry
- Local administration of agricultural areas
- Meat production
- Norwegian Food Safety Authority – StatRes (discontinued)
- Pesticide use
- Production of potatoes and forage plants
- Sample survey of agriculture and forestry
- Building statistics
- Building stock
- Business statistics
- Construction cost index for plumbing works in office and commercial buildings
- Construction cost index for residential buildings
- Construction cost index for road construction
- Construction in the coastal zone
- Construction turnover (discontinued)
- Construction, new orders (discontinued)
- Production index for construction
- Waste from building and construction
- Building stock
- Construction cost index for residential buildings
- Dwellings
- Fire and accident protection
- Housing conditions, register-based
- Housing conditions, survey on living conditions
- Municipal housing
- Municipal housing charges
- Population and Housing Census, dwellings (discontinued)
- Price index for existing dwellings
- Price index for new dwellings
- Ratio between assessed tax value and sales price on dwellings (discontinued)
- Rental market survey
- Activities of adult learning associations
- Adult education
- Adult education, accredited web-based schools (discontinued)
- Adult learning at primary and lower secondary level (discontinued)
- Adult skills
- Adults in primary and lower secondary school
- Continuing Vocational Training Survey
- Education accounts
- Employees in kindergartens and schools
- Folk high schools (discontinued)
- Introduction programme for immigrants
- Lifelong learning
- Norwegian for adult immigrants
- Adult learning at primary and lower secondary level (discontinued)
- Adults in primary and lower secondary school
- Annual accounts for private schools (discontinued)
- Education accounts
- Employees in kindergartens and schools
- Marks and national tests, lower secondary school
- Pupils in primary and lower secondary school
- Teachers (discontinued)
- Academic and special libraries
- Annual accounts for private schools (discontinued)
- Completion rates of students in higher education
- Credits and graduations from higher education
- Education accounts
- Research personnel
- Students in higher education
- Teachers (discontinued)
- Universities and colleges - StatRes (discontinued)
- Business statistics
- Business statistics for the electricity industry
- Commodity price index for the industrial sector (discontinued)
- District heating and district cooling
- Electricity
- Electricity prices
- Energy consumption in households
- Energy consumption in service industries (discontinued)
- Energy use by municipality (discontinued)
- Energy use in the manufacturing sector
- Index of industrial production
- Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
- Producer price index
- Production and consumption of energy, energy balance and energy account
- Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
- Water levels in the reservoirs (discontinued)
- Business statistics
- Business tendency survey for manufacturing, mining and quarrying
- Commodity price index for the industrial sector (discontinued)
- Energy use in the manufacturing sector
- Environmental protection expenditure
- Foreign subsidiaries in Norway
- Index of industrial production
- Index of orders in manufacturing (discontinued)
- Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
- Meat production
- Producer price index
- Production of commodities in manufacturing, mining and quarrying
- Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
- Waste from manufacturing industries
- Commodity price index for the industrial sector (discontinued)
- Extraction and related services
- Foreign subsidiaries in Norway
- Index of industrial production
- Oil and gas activities, international market conditions (discontinued)
- Oil and gas activities, production (discontinued)
- Producer price index
- Production and consumption of energy, energy balance and energy account
- Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels
- Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
- Business statistics
- Business statistics for the electricity industry
- Continuing Vocational Training Survey
- Enterprises
- Establishments
- Foreign subsidiaries in Norway
- ICT usage in enterprises
- Industry statistics for Svalbard
- Innovation in the business enterprise sector
- Norwegian subsidiaries abroad
- Producer price indices for services
- Public support for R&D
- Research and development in the business enterprise sector
- Cash flows between Norway and abroad
- Export of salmon
- External trade in ICT goods (discontinued)
- External trade in goods
- External trade in goods, indices of volume and price
- External trade in services
- External trade in services, enterprises operating in ocean transport (discontinued)
- Global value chains and outsourcing
- Abortions (discontinued)
- Accidents at work
- Causes of death (terminated in Statistics Norway)
- Dietary statistics
- Health, care and social relations, survey on living conditions
- Quality of life
- Sickness absence
- Social relations, survey on level of living
- Sterilisations (discontinued)
- Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs
- Care services
- Dental health care
- GPs and emergency primary health care
- Health accounts
- Health care personnel
- Health, care and social relations, survey on living conditions
- Municipal health care service
- Municipal housing
- Patient statistics
- Specialist health service
- Specialist health service - StatRes (discontinued)
- Unpaid welfare work, survey on living conditions
- Adults in primary and lower secondary school
- Attachment to employment, education and welfare benefits
- Completion rates of pupils in upper secondary education
- Credits and graduations from higher education
- Educational attainment of the population
- Employees in kindergartens and schools
- Introduction programme for immigrants
- Kindergartens
- Marks and national tests, lower secondary school
- Norwegian for adult immigrants
- Post-secondary vocational education
- Pupils in primary and lower secondary school
- Research personnel
- Students in higher education
- Upper secondary education
- Attachment to employment, education and welfare benefits
- Child welfare
- Housing conditions, register-based
- Imprisonments
- Offences and victims reported to the police
- Offences investigated
- Penal sanctions
- Recipients of disability benefit
- Recipients of retirement pension
- Social assistance
- Welfare benefits – labour and reception of benefits
- Work assessment allowance
- Attachment to employment, education and welfare benefits
- Employees in kindergartens and schools
- Employment among immigrants, register-based
- Employment, register-based
- Health care personnel
- Job vacancies
- Labour force survey
- Number of employments and earnings
- Population and Housing Census, employment and education (discontinued)
- Activity in centre zones
- Agricultural area and livestock (discontinued)
- Area of land and fresh water
- Construction in the coastal zone
- Holiday house areas
- Land use and land cover
- Land use in urban settlements
- Municipal environmental management
- Municipal management of planning and building applications
- Population and land area in urban settlements
- Protected areas
- Recreational areas and areas for recreational walking
- Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents
- National population projections
- Persons with refugee background
- Population
- Population and Housing Census, dwellings (discontinued)
- Population and Housing Census, employment and education (discontinued)
- Population and Housing Census, household income (discontinued)
- Population and Housing Census, households (discontinued)
- Population and Housing Census, main figures (discontinued)
- Population and land area in urban settlements
- Population of Svalbard
- Regional population projections
- Sami
- New multi-dwellings house price index (discontinued)
- Price index for existing dwellings
- Price index for new dwellings
- Price index for office and business properties (discontinued)
- Ratio between assessed tax value and sales price on dwellings (discontinued)
- Rental market survey
- Rental price index for commercial properties
- Attitudes towards Norwegian development aid
- Central government revenue and expenditure
- Central government units, expenditure (discontinued)
- Foreign aid expenditure in OECD countries (discontinued)
- General government revenue and expenditure
- General government, financial assets and liabilities
- Government Pension Fund Norway (discontinued)
- Norwegian Customs and Excise - StatRes (discontinued)
- Public corporations, accounts
- Public corporations, structural business statistics (discontinued)
- The Norwegian Armed Forces - StatRes (discontinued)
- The Norwegian Tax Administration - StatRes (discontinued)
- Central government units, expenditure (discontinued)
- Digitalisation and ICT in the public sector
- General government revenue and expenditure
- General government, financial assets and liabilities
- Property management, local government
- Public corporations, structural business statistics (discontinued)
- Public sector on Svalbard
- The Norwegian Armed Forces - StatRes (discontinued)
- Care services
- Child welfare
- Church of Norway
- Completion rates of pupils in upper secondary education
- Cultural facilities
- Dental health care
- Fire and accident protection
- Kindergartens
- Local administration of agricultural areas
- Local referendums
- Municipal environmental management
- Municipal health care service
- Municipal housing
- Municipal housing charges
- Municipal management of planning and building applications
- Municipal wastewater
- Municipal water supply
- Property management, local government
- Property tax
- Pupils in primary and lower secondary school
- Social assistance
- Transport and communication in municipalities and county authorities
- Upper secondary education
- Waste from households
- County authority accounts
- General government revenue and expenditure
- General government, financial assets and liabilities
- Joint parish councils, accounts
- Local government owned rehabilitation enterprises, accounts (discontinued)
- Municipal accounts
- Property tax
- Public corporations, accounts
- Public corporations, structural business statistics (discontinued)
- Correctional Services - StatRes (discontinued)
- Disputes dealt with by the conciliation boards (discontinued)
- Imprisonments
- Offences and victims reported to the police
- Offences investigated
- Penal sanctions
- Police and prosecution - StatRes (discontinued)
- The courts and other dispute resolution bodies - StatRes (discontinued)
- Victimisation and fear of crime, survey on living conditions
- Health, care and social relations, survey on living conditions
- Housing conditions, register-based
- Housing conditions, survey on living conditions
- Living conditions of disabled people
- Poverty-related problems, survey on living conditions
- Quality of life
- Social relations, survey on level of living
- Sports and outdoor activities, survey on living conditions
- Victimisation and fear of crime, survey on living conditions
- Volunteering, political participation and trust, survey on living conditions
- Working environment, survey on living conditions
- Attachment to employment, education and welfare benefits
- Cash transfers to families with children (discontinued)
- Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service - StatRes (discontinued)
- Recipients of disability benefit
- Recipients of retirement pension
- Social assistance
- Welfare benefits – labour and reception of benefits
- Work assessment allowance
- Business statistics
- Carriage of goods by lorry
- Commodity Flow Survey (discontinued)
- Construction cost index for road construction
- Cost index for passenger transport by bus
- Cost index for road goods transport
- Domestic transport
- Norwegian National Rail Administration - StatRes (discontinued)
- Public transport
- Rail transport
- Registered vehicles
- Road traffic accidents involving personal injury
- Road traffic volumes
- Taxi transport
- The Norwegian Public Roads Administration - StatRes (discontinued)
- Transport and communication in municipalities and county authorities
- Transport by vans and small lorries
- Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)
- Business statistics
- Cost index for domestic sea transport
- Domestic transport
- External trade in services, enterprises operating in ocean transport (discontinued)
- Maritime transport
- Operating survey for vessels in water transport
- Operating survey on short sea and domestic sea transport (discontinued)
- Public transport
- The Norwegian Coastal Administration's activities (discontinued)
- The Norwegian Merchant Fleet
- Transport and communication in municipalities and county authorities
- Business statistics
- Cross border trade
- Index of household consumption of goods
- Index of wholesale and retail sales
- Retail sales, investment statistics
- Sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels
- Statistics on alcohol sales
- Wholesale and retail trade sales statistics
- Wholesale trade, price index (discontinued)