Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Cross border trade

The statistics covers Norwegians purchases on same day visits abroad. The cross border trade is divided into product groups and how many visits without overnight stays Norwegians made abroad.

Updated: 11 February 2025
Next update: 13 May 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Cross border trade in million NOK by product group and number of same day visits abroad in 1000
    Cross border trade in million NOK by product group and number of same day visits abroad in 1000
    Amount spent in million NOK and same day visits in 1000Change in per centPer cent of product group
    4th quarter 20244th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Total2 97318.3100.0
    Food and groceries1 41431.347.5
    Mineral water and soft drinks21438.17.2
    Beer and cider, alcoholic124-24.84.2
    Wine and spirits179-17.16.0
    Snus/moist snuff1586.05.3
    Chocolate and sweets133-2.94.5
    Other products37464.012.6
    Cafe and restaurant and other services2178.07.3
    Number of same day visits abroad1 23211.4
    Explanation of symbols
  • Cross border trade by product group, per cent of product group
    Cross border trade by product group, per cent of product group
    Per cent of product groupChange in per cent of product group
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 2024Percentage points
    Product group
    Food and groceries42.847.54.7
    Mineral water and soft drinks6.27.21.0
    Beer and cider, alcoholic6.64.2-2.4
    Wine and spirits8.66.0-2.6
    Snus/moist snuff5.95.3-0.6
    Chocolate and sweets5.44.5-0.9
    Other products9.112.63.5
    Cafe and restaurant and other services8.07.3-0.7
    Explanation of symbols
  • Cross border trade in million NOK and same day visits abroad in thousand with margin of error

  • Cross border trade by region. Expenditure (NOK million)

  • Cross border trade by destination

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 11 January 2024.

Same day visits: All visits abroad without overnight stays is covered in the statistics. Whether it is a business, commuter journey or leisure.

Expenditures: NOK spent on goods and services on trips abroad without accommodation. The spending is inclusive of VAT and other taxes.

All legal goods and services are included. Services include varies types of services, such as hairdressing, dental services, service on cars etc.

Food and drink purchased abroad and consumed during the trip are included. Gasoline and diesel purchased abroad and used on the trip (both in Norway and abroad) are also included. Gasoline and diesel purchased in Norway but consumed abroad, are not included.

Smuggled illegal goods are not included. Any fines imposed by the customs authorities are not included in the cross-border trade statistics.

Amount spent: NOK spent on goods and services on same day visits abroad. If the amount is reported in local currency, it has been converted to NOK in the statistics. The spending is inclusive of VAT and other taxes. Smuggled illegal goods are not included. Any fines imposed by the customs authorities are not included in the cross-border trade statistics.

Destination: Expenditure on same day visits to all countries is measured in the statistics. The cross border trade statistics are published with five categories as destinations for border trade. The three largest shopping destinations for cross-border trade in Sweden: Strømstad, which include Nordby and Svinesund, Charlottenberg and Töcksfors. In addition, there are two other destinations: Sweden elsewhere and other countries.

Region of residence: There are regional differences when it comes to who cross-border trade and the respondents are grouped by region of residence. The country is split into different regional division and a region consists of several counties.

See classification of region: for the definition of regions.

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