Storting election

Updated: 27 October 2021

Next update: Not yet determined

Votes cast in advance
Votes cast in advance
VotesVotes in Per cent
The whole country
Valid votes2 836 0292 926 8363 003 29099.2
Polling station1 980 7741 863 1591 264 85241.8
Advance855 2551 063 6771 738 43857.4
Recected votes
Polling station1 6302 1549420.0
Advance1 6253 0252 8220.1
Blank votes
Polling station9 17312 6529 6230.3
Advance3 7015 8649 4800.3
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Storting election. Changes in percentages of valid votes, by party/electoral list
    Storting election. Changes in percentages of valid votes, by party/electoral list
    Labour PartyProgress PartyConservative PartyChristian Democratic PartyGreen PartyRed PartyCentre PartySocialist Left PartyLiberal Party
    The whole country-1.1-3.6-4.7-
    Sogn og Fjordane1.8-0.6-4.9-
    Møre og Romsdal-1.0-0.3-7.5-
    Finnmark - Finnmárku-0.6-7.2-7.6-
    Explanation of symbols
  • Storting election. Elected representatives, by sex, party/electoral list and electoral district
    Storting election. Elected representatives, by sex, party/electoral list and electoral district
    TotalLabour PartyProgress PartyConservative PartyChristian Democratic PartyGreen PartyRed PartyCentre PartySocialist Left PartyLiberal PartyPasientfokus
    Both sexMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemales
    The whole country169252319218182112441315586201
    Sogn og Fjordane410001000000010001000
    Møre og Romsdal811111000000011010000
    Finnmark - Finnmárku511100000000010000001
    Explanation of symbols
  • Storting election. Valid Votes
    Storting election. Valid Votes
    Valid votes
    Valid votes total2 836 0292 926 8362 984 187
    Labour Party874 769800 947783 394
    Progress Party463 560444 681346 474
    Conservative Party760 232732 895607 316
    Christian Democratic Party158 475122 797113 344
    Centre Party155 357302 017402 961
    Socialist Left Party116 021176 222228 063
    Liberal Party148 275127 910137 433
    Green Party79 15294 788117 647
    Red Party30 75170 522140 931
    Communist Party of Norway611309301
    The Pensioners' Party11 86512 85519 006
    The Alliance.3 311.
    Feministisk Initiativ.696275
    The Health Party.10 3376 490
    Capitalist Party of Norway.5 5994 520
    Nordmørslista.2 135.
    Society Party295104.
    Coastal Party3 3112 467171
    Democratic Party of Norway2 2143 83034 068
    The Christians17 7318 70010 448
    Piratpartiet9 8693 3562 308
    Alliansen - Alternative for Norway2 489
    Folkeaksjonen Nei til mer bompenger3 435
    Industrial-, commerce & business Party10 031
    Partiet Sentrum7 836
    Pasientfokus4 950
    Redd Naturen97
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics show for example voter turnout and votes cast for different parties by whole country, county and municipalities. Time series back to 1945.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 11 September 2021.

Persons entitled to vote

The requirements are stated in § 50 of the Constitution and the Election Act § 3. Norwegian citizens 18 years or older during the election year, and having been registered as residing in Norway during the last 10 years, will automatically be included in the electoral roll. Furthermore, Norwegian citizens having been resident abroad for a continuous period of more than 10 years can demand to be included in the electoral roll.

Submitted votes

The number of votes should be the same as the number crossed out in the Electoral list. In practical terms this means all valid and rejected votes.

Rejected votes

Votes that in one way or another are not approved or empty envelopes.

Valid votes

The number of approved votes after controls

Elected representatives

The statistics covering the Parliamentary Election comprise elected representatives. The representatives who prior to the election permanently met in Parliament in stead of the representatives who had become members of Government, are therefore included among the vice-representatives.

Re-elected and newly elected representatives

Elected representatives at the election, who have earlier been permanent representatives due to deaths, are included under the heading "met as vice-representative". The same applies to previous vice-representatives who have met permanently for the Government members.


From the election in 1997 the country's regions are grouped as follows: 1. Oslo and Akershus 2. Hedmark and Oppland 3. South-Eastern Norway: Østfold, Buskerud, Vestfold and Telemark 4. Agder/Rogaland: Aust-Agder, Vest-Agder and Rogaland 5. Western Norway: Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane and Møre og Romsdal 6. Trøndelag: Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-Trøndelag 7. Nothern Norway: Nordland, Troms and Finmark

Classification of municipalities, centralization

In some tables, the country's municipalities are classifies in 8 different groups based on their business, industry and centrality. The classification is documented in "Standard for kommuneklassifisering 1994". This standard is valid from the election in 1997 onwards. Centrality is also used as a concept by itself.

Name: Storting election
Topic: Elections

Not yet determined

Division for Population Statistics

Municipality level. For chosen municipalities tabulations are also made with percentage distribution of accepted votes cast among the largest parties on circuit/city district level.

Every fourth year (election year).

Not relevant

The computer files are stored at Statistics Norway and at the NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data for research purposes.

The purpose is to produce official statistics covering the Parliamentary election. The first official statistics from Parliamentary elections were for the elections in 1815-1855 (NOS III 219). Some of the figures from these elections, in particular prior to 1826, were estimated. As a result, we only have figures for the number of people entitled to vote and elected representatives. Statistics concerning the elections in 1888 and 1891 were published in Meddelelser from the Statistiske Centralbureau, elections in 1894 and 1897 were published in NOS Valgmandsvalgene og Stortingsvalgene, 1900 and 1903 were published in NOS Valgtingene og valgmandstingene, and 1906 onwards in NOS Stortingsvalget. Statistics Norway produced the statistics up until 1903 and again from 1961 onwards. From 1903 through 1961 the statistics were produced at the Parliament's office. In Historisk Statistikk (Historical Statistics) one can find information on the number of votes for each party and representatives elected back to 1906. For people entitled to vote, elected representatives and election participation, information exists from the beginning of the 19th century.

The political parties and journalists are frequent users of the statistics. The Ministries, for calculating the governmental financial support for each party, as well as municipalities and counties also make use of the statistics. Students, in particular those studying political science, and election researchers are other users. Foreign journalists, researchers and students also require statistics on the Parliamentary elections.

Not relevant
Not relevant

Statistics Act § 10 and Election Act § 15-7.

Not relevant

The statistics comprise the results from the election in all municipalities. The number of people entitled to vote is collected, as well as the number of people voting on election day and in advance, votes rejected and approved votes cast for each political party, and elected regional mandates and equalizing mandates.

Forms sent by the county election councils up till the Parliamentary election 2001. At the 2005 election, Statistics Norway received the data as files sent from the Ergo Group. From the Parliamentary election 2009, internet based forms will be sent from the county election councils.

Total count.

The county councils' election reports form the basis for the production of the statistics. Including 1997, these were supplied with forms sent from Statistics Norway to the municipalities.

Computerized controls when registering the figures, mostly summarizing controls and logic coherence controls.

Not relevant
Not relevant

Statistics for the different political parties are to be found from the beginning of the 20th century. During World War II no elections took place. At municipality level, the statistics are insufficient for the earliest elections. Some of the political parties have changed their names. This is referred to in footnotes in the historical tables.

The number of submitted and rejected votes are uncertain in some municipalities. This is due to inaccuracy in keeping the Election List and errors in the Election Book. Misunderstandings of the concepts rejected voting / rejected vote also occur. Rejected voting occurs when a persons appears, but due to different reasons, the voting is not accepted. When this occurs, the person's name should not be marked in the Electoral List and these votes should normally not be included in the statistics. This is, however, marked in the election protocol, and in some cases wrongfully as rejected votes (ballot papers). When revising the votes, submitted and rejected votes in some cases must be adjusted / corrected by judgment, where the municipalities are unable to locate the errors.

Not relevant


Statistics Norway's Information Centre

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