Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Care services
The statistics provide a summary of care services, and include information about users of various care services, capacity and resource input, such as number of beds and staff. Accounting figures are also given.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Nursing and care servicesDownload table as ...Nursing and care services
Percentage change Percentage change 2023 2022 - 2023 2019 - 2023 Home-based services (selected services) Users 12.31. Assistance in daily living 77 636 2.2 -1.1 Home health services, includes both somatic and psychiatric care. 175 353 1.8 7.4 User-controlled personal assistance 4 226 4.2 17.3 Care benefits (benefits to individuals whom provides care on a voluntary basis to parents, spouses or others) 10 786 3.7 5.6 Percentage of inhabitants age 80 years and over that are home service users1 26.9 -2.9 -10.3 Nursing homes Beds 12.31. Beds in total 39 754 1.6 0.7 Percentage of private beds 7.7 -5.3 -18.6 Institution services2 Residents 12.31. Long-term stay 31 405 0.7 -2.2 Short-term stay 10 014 -0.5 2.4 Care and nursing services staff3 Man-years Man-years - total 157 076 3.4 8.8 of these... Man-years in user directed services with health education 117 298 2.8 8.6 Percentage in user directed services with health education 77.1 -0.6 -0.5 Nursing and care expenditure4 NOK billions Nursing and care expenditure, total 171.9 11.0 32.8 1Home-based services: Home-nursing and home-help. Activity and facility services not included 2Includes nursing homes, retirement homes, relief institutions and dwellings for children. Dwellings for the elderly not included. 3Full-time equivalent (FTE): Figures for 2015-2019 were updated in March of 2020 with a new method that provides better information on settled percentage of FTE from 2015 onwards. The new method has consequences for contractual hours FTE. 4KOSTRA functions included: 234 Activity programmes, 253 Health and care institutions, 254 Home-based services, 256 Acute help, 261 Institutions buildings. Due to incorrect reporting, Statistics Norway has removed figures related to user-controlled personal assistance (BPA) from the data basis for a municipality in the year 2021. The error had an impact on county and national levels. Figures for the year 2021 were corrected on 28 June 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Health and care institutions, beds and rooms by type and ownershipDownload table as ...Health and care institutions, beds and rooms by type and ownership1
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Number of institutions 940 926 922 923 914 Total number of beds 39 963 39 615 39 305 39 337 39 976 Nursing home 39 466 39 241 39 054 39 114 39 754 Old people's home 497 374 251 223 222 Private beds (per cent of total) 9.9 9.1 8.7 8.5 8.0 Private non-profit 5.2 5.1 6.8 7.0 6.4 Private commercial 4.7 4.1 1.9 1.5 1.6 Single rooms (per cent) 98.3 98.6 98.8 98.7 98.4 User adapted single room with own WC and bathroom (per cent) 89.3 90.4 91.6 92.1 94.0 1Per 31.12. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Residents in institutions for the elderly and disabled, by ageDownload table as ...Residents in institutions for the elderly and disabled, by age1
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 41 889 41 071 41 188 41 259 41 419 Under 67 years 4 888 5 402 5 564 5 680 5 680 67-79 years 8 983 8 718 9 133 9 550 9 668 80-89 years 16 020 15 303 15 006 14 932 15 056 90 years and over 11 998 11 648 11 485 11 097 10 748 1Per 31.12. Figures for the year 2021 were corrected on 28 June 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Residents in dwellings for the aged and disabled.Download table as ...Residents in dwellings for the aged and disabled.1
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total .. 43 326 42 597 42 191 41 634 Under 67 years .. 20 787 19 751 19 680 19 383 67-79 years .. 7 846 8 041 8 141 8 313 80-89 years .. 8 769 8 665 8 439 8 215 90 years and over .. 5 924 6 140 5 931 5 723 1Per 31.12. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Users of home-based services, by age.Download table as ...Users of home-based services, by age.1
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 196 549 197 738 203 169 204 261 207 820 Under 67 years 88 289 89 933 93 316 94 112 95 587 67-79 years 39 230 39 744 41 478 42 082 43 398 80-89 years 47 377 46 198 46 289 46 424 47 394 90 years and over 21 653 21 863 22 086 21 643 21 441 1Per 31.12. Figures for the year 2021 were corrected on 28 June 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Users of home-based services and residents in institutions for the elderly and disabled. Need for assistance and kind of serviceDownload table as ...Users of home-based services and residents in institutions for the elderly and disabled. Need for assistance and kind of service1
Number of users Per cent 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total, need for assistance Small need for assistance Average to much need for assistance Extensive need for assistance Unspecified need for assistance Total, services 284 160 290 130 295 856 299 712 306 034 100.0 36.0 32.4 22.9 8.7 Users of home help only 33 318 32 094 31 926 31 934 32 467 100.0 50.6 29.8 13.4 6.2 Users of home nursing only 100 112 102 883 107 951 109 373 111 097 100.0 46.8 33.1 7.2 12.8 Users of both home help and home nursing 63 119 62 761 63 292 62 954 64 256 100.0 18.2 48.1 32.6 1.2 Other home-based services 45 722 51 321 51 499 54 192 56 795 100.0 50.5 26.0 8.3 15.2 Residents in institutions, short term stay 9 784 9 090 9 581 10 061 10 014 100.0 9.7 35.9 47.8 6.6 Residents in institutions, long term stay 32 105 31 981 31 607 31 198 31 405 100.0 0.8 10.8 87.1 1.2 1Per 31.12. Figures for the year 2021 were corrected on 28 June 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Average numbers of assigned hours per week for users of home help and home nursing. Age and need for assistanceDownload table as ...Average numbers of assigned hours per week for users of home help and home nursing. Age and need for assistance
Average number of hours per week Total, need for assistance Small need for assistance Average to much need for assistance Extensive need for assistance Unspecified need for assistance Years, total 9.8 1.7 6.7 37.5 3.4 0-17 years 18.9 4.2 15.3 38.6 9.7 18-49 years 17.1 1.7 11.5 71.8 4.9 50-66 years 12.5 1.6 7.3 50.3 3.2 67-79 years 6.1 1.6 4.7 20.7 1.6 80-89 years 4.3 1.6 4.3 12.5 1.6 90 years or older 5.6 2.0 5.2 13.7 2.4 Figures for the year 2021 were corrected on 28 June 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Recievers of respite care, personal support contact, recievers with next of kins receiving pay for caring work and user-controlled assistance. Age.Download table as ...Recievers of respite care, personal support contact, recievers with next of kins receiving pay for caring work and user-controlled assistance. Age.1
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Respite care Total 7 814 7 713 7 798 8 146 8 419 0-66 years 7 562 7 429 7 548 7 872 8 108 67 years and over 252 284 250 274 311 Personal support contact Total 33 237 32 506 32 636 32 542 32 147 0-66 years 26 120 25 489 25 472 25 518 25 081 67 years and over 7 117 7 017 7 164 7 024 7 066 Recievers with next of kins receiving pay for caring work Total 10 213 10 092 10 357 10 399 10 786 0-66 years 8 687 8 583 8 806 8 887 9 215 67 years and over 1 526 1 509 1 551 1 512 1 571 User-controlled assistance Total 3 604 3 696 3 879 4 056 4 226 0-66 years 3 189 3 268 3 451 3 637 3 784 67 years or older 415 428 428 : : 1Per 31.12. Due to incorrect reporting, Statistics Norway has removed figures related to user-controlled personal assistance (BPA) from the data basis for a municipality in the year 2021. The error had an impact on county and national levels. Figures for the year 2021 were corrected on 28 June 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Gross expenditure in municipal care services. NOK 1 000Download table as ...Gross expenditure in municipal care services. NOK 1 000
NOK 1 000 (current prices) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Gross expenditure - total 129 445 157 130 540 556 143 728 020 154 848 970 171 877 272 234 Activation of elderly og disabled 7 014 038 6 588 498 7 208 545 7 846 276 8 495 661 253 Nursing and care services in institutions 48 969 902 49 367 369 53 320 667 56 636 048 62 518 669 254 Nursing and care services, home-based 66 843 573 67 707 996 75 612 001 82 066 779 92 105 487 255 Co-financing of somatic services . . . . 256 Emergency health and care services 918 221 949 889 1 020 584 1 007 196 1 087 095 261 Institution facilities 5 699 423 5 926 804 6 566 223 7 292 671 7 670 360 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 25 May 2023.
These data are intended to embrace all kinds of activities within the home based services and the institutions, and are not only restricted to health care functions. The data also contain administration and management personnel and as far as the institutions are concerned, kitchen and cleaning functions etc. The personnel are registered on the basis of their formal education by December 31st. The figures are reported in man-years, which means that the total numbers of part-time employees are converted into number of full time employees. Thus the total number of man-years is based on the assumption of stability among the personnel during the year. Employees without the specified education are recorded in collective groups.
Man-years - positions
For personnel, the recording unit is hours per week, and applies to hours set for those with permanent full-time or part-time positions. The number of hours per week is recalculated into man-years (full-time positions) by dividing the number of contract working hours per week. In practice this means that we have divided by 36 hours for physiotherapists and 37.5 hours for Doctors, and 35.5 for the other occupational groups.
Organisation means the forms of association the individual physicians and physiotherapists have with the municipality. Municipalities offer practitioners four possible forms of association. The two most common forms are fixed salary and contract.
Physicians and physiotherapists with fixed salaries
Physicians and physiotherapists with fixed salaries are municipal employees, in municipal medical officer or physiotherapist positions advertised by the municipality. These positions may be full or part-time. The municipalities cover all expenses of the positions, but the National Insurance scheme provides fixed grants to the municipalities per position. The duties of these fixed-salary physicians and physiotherapists are set by municipal instructions.
Physicians and physiotherapists with municipal contracts
Physicians and physiotherapists with municipal contracts are basically private practising physicians and physiotherapists who sign an agreement with the municipality or borough. The provisions of this agreement are based on an agreement between the Norwegian Association of Local Authorities, Ministry of Health and Care Services and the physicians' and physiotherapists' organizations. The agreement implies that all physicians are obliged to participate in the medical duty service and municipal responsibilities such as care of the elderly and preventive medicine. How much the individual doctor is to perform these duties and the opening hours of the curative practice are defined in the specific agreements between the individual practitioner and the municipality/borough. The basis of the income of physicians and physiotherapists with municipal agreements is National Insurance reimbursements, patient co-payments and a fixed amount (operating grant) from the municipality as compensation for the agreement. Physicians and physiotherapists with combinations of fixed salary part-time positions and part-time contract practice are regarded as practitioners with a municipal contract.
Physicians and physiotherapists without municipal contracts
There are also practitioners with private practices who do not have a contract with the municipality. For the individual patient, it is of no financial significance if you go to a mandatory practitioner, doctor with fixed salary or doctor with a municipal contract. Physicians without a municipal contract may, with certain limitations, take as high a co-payment as the patient is willing to pay.
Following changes in sections 5-4, 5-7 and 5-8 of the National Insurance Act of 1 July 1998, national insurance reimbursements are no longer to be paid to private practising health professionals who do not have an operating agreement with the municipality or county. Exceptions have been made for general practitioners pending the introduction of the regular GP scheme.
Vacant authorised posts/ positions
Authorised posts or fixed-salary positions that are vacant at December 31st due to leave, illness or other reasons, are regarded as filled if the absence is less than four months, otherwise it is regarded as vacant.
From the statistical year 1994, data on man-years worked by physicians also include hours worked under extended working time agreements pursuant to the central union federation special agreement between the Norwegian Association of Local Authorities and the Norwegian Medical Association. This agreement permits, for up to one year at a time, the signing of an agreement on extended working hours beyond 37.5 hours per week. Overtime work beyond this is not included.
Users of home based services
The figures cover all users of home help and home nursing or both services that were registered as active users at the end of the year. In general every person receiving services is regarded as one user, with one exception; households consisting of two or more persons receiving help are regarded as one user.
These are defined as a group of buildings where parts of the floorage are shared between residents, the household is common and care personnel are present 24 hours a day. This definition embraces all kinds of institutions falling under the law mentioned above and are as follows: nursing homes, old peoples homes, combined nursing and old peoples homes and in addition various municipal dwellings with full-time services.
Dwellings for the aged and disabled
This category includes other kinds of municipal dwellings reserved for persons in need of help because of old age or handicap. They are also offered to mentally retarded persons who have left the traditional institutions according to a major reform concerning this group of disabled in 1991. These dwellings are not included in the institution-category, as they do not have a full-time service offer, and the residents own or pay rent for the dwelling. Some of them have care and nursing services during parts of the day. The other dwellings do not have this offer, and the residents are instead users of the home based services in the same way as other ordinary users. Many of these flats are adjusted for functionally disabled residents and some of them do also have to some extent common floorage and household.
The municipalities are grouped into 16 groups by population and economic conditions. The classification is based on Audun Langørgen and Rolf Aaberge (2011): Classification of municipalities by population and economic conditions of 2008. Report 2011/8, Statistics Norway. In the calculation of average figures for the county, municipalities are divided into 19 counties by the current standard for municipality classification (two first digit).
Regional statistics
The counties are divided into five groups. The classification is identical to subdivisions of counties in health regions apart from that there is established a separate group for Oslo.