Work on the main revision

Work on the main revision and a project to modernize IT systems means that new figures for 2022 will be published after the main revision, tentatively early in 2025.

Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Regional accounts

In the regional national accounts, the main figures from the national accounts are shown at regional level. The figures for the latest published year are preliminary.

Updated: 31 January 2025
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Main results. Regional accounts annual change in value added, volume
    Main results. Regional accounts annual change in value added, volume
    The whole country3.6
    Mainland Norway4.9
    Viken (2020-2023)5.0
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)1.5
    Møre og Romsdal4.2
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage6.4
    Nordland - Nordlánnda5.5
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)3.6
    The Continental Shelf-3.4
    Explanation of symbols
  • Regional accounts, figures per inhabitant and per employed person. Regional value added is measured in basic value.
    Regional accounts, figures per inhabitant and per employed person. Regional value added is measured in basic value.
    GDP per inhabitantGDP per employed person
    Viken (2020-2023)4921 073
    Oslo1 0231 373
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)4881 047
    Agder5271 098
    Rogaland6921 222
    Vestland6361 179
    Møre og Romsdal5491 042
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage5631 061
    Nordland - Nordlánnda5731 111
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)546988
    Svalbard1 644
    The Continental Shelf262 180
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 2 June 2021.

See Concepts and definitions in national accounts for definitions of variables and other concepts used in the national accounts.

The accounting system of the national accounts contains a listing of the specifications of accounts used. The new accounting system for the revised Norwegian national accounts is based on the international standards for national accounts 2008 SNA and ESA 2010. The accounting system gives the framework and contents for the production of national accounts statistics. In addition to accounting structure, the accounting system contains a number of groupings or classifications used in the national accounts. The regional accounts are based on the same accounting system because they are an integrated part of the national accounts.

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