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52 Persons in settlements 1 January. Svalbard
  Total1 Norwegian settlements2 Russian settlements3 Polish settlement4
  Resident on the mainland From abroad, not resident on the mainland
1990 3 544 1 125 .. 2 407 12
1991 3 405 1 135 .. 2 260 10
1992 3 309 1 148 .. 2 151 10
1993 3 017 1 050 .. 1 958 9
1994 2 977 1 097 .. 1 870 10
1995 2 906 1 218 .. 1 679 9
1996 2 844 1 230 .. 1 604 10
1997 2 827 1 335 .. 1 482 10
1998 2 596 1 438 .. 1 149 9
1999 2 423 1 476 ..  939 8
2000 2 376 1 475 ..  893 8
2001 2 607 1 704 ..  903 9
2002 2 529 1 570 ..  950 9
2003 2 489 1 562 ..  918 9
2004 2 375 1 581 ..  786 8
2005 2 400 1 645 ..  747 8
2006 2 266 1 721 ..  535 10
2007 2 338 1 781 ..  550 7
2008 2 449 1 821 ..  620 8
2009 2 565 1 792  293  470 10
2010 2 490 1 759  302  420 9
2011 2 394 1 695  322  370 7
2012 2 504 1 738  377  380 9
2013 2 158 1 748  410  471 8
1  From 1 January 2009 the figures are from the Population Register of Svalbard.
2  Consists of persons in the two settlements Longyearbyen and Ny-Ă…lesund.
3  Consists of the settlement in Barentsburg. Soviet settlement until 1993.
4  Consists of the settlement at Hornsund, a permanent research station led by the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Source: Population statistics, Statistics Norway, District Governor of Svalbard.
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