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Statistics about
Research and development in the business enterprise sector
The statistics measures resources spent on research and development (R&D) in the business enterprise sector. It includes intramural and extramural R&D expenditure, R&D personnel, and R&D full-time equivalents. It also covers other aspects like funding, type of R&D and thematic and technology areas.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Research and development (R&D) in business enterprise sector.Download table as ...Research and development (R&D) in business enterprise sector.1
All enterprises (10+ employed) 2023 2022 - 2023 Level Percentages Change in per cent Intramural R&D expenditure (NOK million) 47 044.4 100 9.9 By industry: Manufacturing 14 206.1 30 5.4 Services total 27 407.4 58 11.1 Other industries 5 430.9 12 17.1 By size of enterprise: 10-49 persons employed 14 581.1 31 50-99 persons employed 5 757.1 12 100-199 persons employed 5 039.8 11 200-499 persons employed 7 869.3 17 500 persons employed and more 13 797.1 29 R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) 26 668 5.9 1Figures for enterprises with 5-9 employees are available in the StatBank. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Intramural and extramural R&D expenditure and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector, by industry and size class (10+ employees). Three years.Download table as ...Intramural and extramural R&D expenditure and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector, by industry and size class (10+ employees). Three years.1
Intramural R&D (NOK million) Extramural R&D (NOK million) R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 Nace (SN2007) and size class A-N All industries 38 305.1 42 792.8 47 044.4 8 946.4 9 781.7 9 678.2 23 745 25 190 26 668 10-19 persons employed 4 414.4 5 414.5 5 913.6 796.5 721.6 914.4 3 040 3 387 3 499 20-49 persons employed 6 435.1 7 400.7 8 667.5 1 190.6 1 638.0 1 350.1 4 558 4 900 5 067 50-99 persons employed 5 423.5 5 884.4 5 757.1 965.4 900.3 789.2 3 617 3 733 3 647 100-199 persons employed 5 253.3 5 749.0 5 039.8 1 326.6 1 601.1 1 196.9 3 479 3 241 3 341 200-499 persons employed 6 237.1 6 727.3 7 869.3 1 359.8 1 323.6 1 358.7 3 920 4 175 4 395 500 persons employed and more 10 541.6 11 616.9 13 797.1 3 307.6 3 597.2 4 069.0 5 132 5 753 6 720 C Manufacturing 11 808.1 13 480.0 14 206.1 2 406.7 2 653.6 2 317.1 7 544 7 753 8 128 10-19 persons employed 718.8 505.6 692.4 122.6 54.1 67.2 512 319 362 20-49 persons employed 1 325.8 1 458.1 1 599.0 175.4 249.4 255.6 935 958 942 50-99 persons employed 1 233.2 1 439.4 1 355.3 125.4 143.3 119.5 847 976 921 100-199 persons employed 1 935.4 2 578.9 1 841.1 813.6 873.0 396.8 1 321 1 272 1 307 200-499 persons employed 2 070.7 2 451.6 2 422.2 424.4 412.3 321.5 1 382 1 498 1 194 500 persons employed and more 4 524.2 5 046.3 6 296.1 745.3 921.6 1 156.6 2 546 2 730 3 402 G-N Services total 22 376.2 24 676.3 27 407.4 3 568.1 4 193.0 4 195.5 14 285 15 467 16 410 10-19 persons employed 3 568.7 4 385.4 4 615.4 653.5 595.1 807.8 2 468 2 981 2 991 20-49 persons employed 4 633.3 5 517.4 6 294.5 923.6 1 239.5 1 040.2 3 366 3 664 3 881 50-99 persons employed 3 629.6 3 692.8 3 794.3 715.5 637.3 501.6 2 464 2 358 2 400 100-199 persons employed 2 743.1 2 747.7 2 742.9 376.9 599.0 655.3 1 873 1 801 1 810 200-499 persons employed 3 830.6 4 007.1 5 130.1 474.4 571.6 614.1 2 373 2 527 3 023 500 persons employed and more 3 970.8 4 325.8 4 830.3 424.1 550.5 576.5 1 740 2 135 2 303 A, B, D-F Other industries 4 120.8 4 636.5 5 430.9 2 971.6 2 935.1 3 165.6 1 916 1 969 2 130 10-19 persons employed 126.8 523.5 605.8 20.4 72.3 39.4 59 87 145 20-49 persons employed 476.0 425.2 774.0 91.5 149.1 54.3 257 278 244 50-99 persons employed 560.7 752.1 607.5 124.5 119.8 168.1 306 399 326 100-199 persons employed 574.8 422.3 455.7 136.1 129.0 144.8 284 167 224 200-499 persons employed 335.8 268.6 317.0 461.0 339.7 423.1 166 149 178 500 persons employed and more 2 046.6 2 244.8 2 670.7 2 138.1 2 125.2 2 335.9 846 888 1 014 1Figures for enterprises with 5-9 employees are available in the StatBank. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Intramural and extramural R&D expenditure, R&D personell and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector by Industry (10+ employees). Two yearsDownload table as ...Intramural and extramural R&D expenditure, R&D personell and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector by Industry (10+ employees). Two years1
Intramural R&D (NOK million) Extramural R&D (NOK million) R&D personnel (number of) R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 Nace (SN2007) A-N All industries 42 792.8 47 044.4 9 781.8 9 678.2 41 201 42 177 25 190 26 668 A03 Fishing and aquaculture 1 398.2 1 491.9 231.5 166.9 984 950 460 484 B05-B09 Mining and cuarrying 1 960.4 2 738.8 2 136.1 2 471.8 1 229 1 671 827 1 063 B06, B09.1 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas and support act. petroleum extraction 1 930.5 2 696.1 2 135.9 2 466.4 1 195 1 597 804 1 035 C Manufacturing 13 645.8 14 190.3 2 653.9 2 314.9 12 469 12 465 7 790 8 132 C10-C11 Food products and beverages 1 135.0 1 034.8 202.0 211.5 1 391 1 233 672 632 C13 Textiles 37.1 53.2 8.9 1.5 87 87 29 34 C14-C15 Wearing apparel, leather and leather products 39.8 42.5 0.2 0.0 73 56 50 48 C16 Wood and wood products 173.9 213.2 27.3 20.0 429 392 139 122 C17 Paper and paper products 184.3 186.0 12.6 15.9 217 220 110 113 C18 Printing and reproduction 36.3 72.2 1.2 2.5 101 131 30 43 C19-C20 Refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products 1 494.0 1 548.9 565.9 682.5 1 141 1 143 924 953 C21 Pharmaceuticals 510.2 616.2 948.5 537.7 365 417 315 348 C22 Rubber and plastic products 252.0 239.8 42.7 30.2 341 275 205 139 C23 Other non-metal mineral products 159.5 188.7 48.3 27.8 235 258 127 132 C24 Basic metals 543.0 610.2 80.6 89.4 592 597 321 337 C25 Fabricated metal prod. 1 741.4 1 909.8 97.3 55.5 1 157 1 123 662 733 C26 Electronic and optical products 2 689.1 3 046.9 103.7 117.0 2 229 2 254 1 831 2 039 C26.3 Manuf. of communication equipment 400.5 384.1 34.0 38.9 368 352 340 324 C26.5 Manuf of testing instr./appliances 1 313.3 1 745.2 33.7 35.4 1 084 1 144 753 1 016 C27 Electrical equipment 1 719.6 1 465.4 156.3 216.0 751 896 532 602 C28 Machinery and equipment 1 466.5 1 264.2 72.0 90.8 1 723 1 552 913 810 C29 Motor vehicles etc. 316.8 311.4 13.7 17.7 265 295 211 213 C30 Other transport equipment 351.6 341.2 76.5 78.9 664 604 211 197 C30.1 Building of ships and boats 318.1 319.8 70.3 77.5 621 574 191 178 C31 Furniture 168.1 : 17.7 : 175 : 134 : C32 Other manufacturing 326.0 : 162.8 : 222 : 179 : C33 Repair, installation of machinery 301.8 411.4 15.6 20.1 310 430 194 225 D35 Electricity and gas supply 407.7 643.8 267.5 339.7 740 746 224 255 E36-E39 Water supply, sewerage and waste 243.5 151.9 73.2 28.1 325 275 103 85 F41-F43 Construction 417.3 344.0 225.6 149.0 943 648 293 212 G-N Services total 24 719.8 27 483.7 4 194.1 4 207.8 24 512 25 421 15 493 16 438 G46 Wholesale trade 992.3 1 253.0 320.8 356.9 1 254 1 373 540 749 H49-H53 Transportation and storage 357.1 448.5 128.4 184.4 529 508 232 269 J58 Publishing activities 3 234.6 3 389.0 387.5 286.8 3 164 2 923 2 326 2 198 J58.2 Software publishing 2 906.6 3 118.9 263.1 168.6 2 843 2 643 2 109 2 017 J59-J60 Motion picture, TV, music prod., programming and broadcasting act. 15.2 34.4 14.6 11.6 70 74 13 33 J61 Telecommunications 558.2 451.9 22.4 75.4 476 370 345 253 J62 Computer programming, consultancy 9 485.4 10 720.4 863.4 872.5 9 586 9 964 6 419 6 757 J63 Information service activities 596.6 817.3 143.4 100.9 756 959 424 554 K64-K66 Financial and insurance activities 2 009.6 2 226.6 675.1 655.5 1 486 1 507 868 895 M70 Head offices, management consult. 522.1 551.3 77.6 25.4 638 665 291 341 M71 Architecture, engineering act. 4 407.9 4 853.8 612.3 552.4 4 498 4 865 2 573 2 794 M72 Scientific research and development 2 124.4 2 167.6 884.3 1 024.8 1 570 1 657 1 153 1 226 M74.9 Other professional, scientific and technical activities 362.7 483.5 50.2 52.9 396 471 272 325 N82.9 Other business supp. serv. act. 53.7 86.4 14.1 8.1 89 85 36 43 1The table includes enterprises with at least 10 employees. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Intramural R&D expenditure in business enterprise sector, by industry and size class (5+ employees). NOK million.Download table as ...Intramural R&D expenditure in business enterprise sector, by industry and size class (5+ employees). NOK million.
2023 Total R&D expenditures Total R&D current cost Of this: R&D investment cost Compensation of employees Costs for hired personnel Other current costs NACE (SN2007) and size classes A-N All industries (5+ employees) 50 363.1 47 919.2 32 302.2 6 570.7 9 046.3 2 443.9 A-N All industries (10+ employees) 47 044.4 44 804.2 30 377.7 5 852.5 8 574.0 2 240.2 5-9 persons employed 3 318.7 3 114.9 1 924.5 718.2 472.3 203.7 10-19 persons employed 5 913.6 5 352.8 3 536.6 860.7 955.5 560.8 20-49 persons employed 8 667.5 8 395.3 5 391.2 1 222.7 1 781.4 272.2 50-99 persons employed 5 757.1 5 577.3 3 924.0 596.4 1 056.9 179.8 100-199 persons employed 5 039.8 4 821.5 3 688.2 489.6 643.7 218.3 200-499 persons employed 7 869.3 7 318.8 5 388.6 829.4 1 100.8 550.5 500 persons employed and more 13 797.1 13 338.6 8 449.2 1 853.7 3 035.7 458.6 C Manufacturing (5+ employees) 14 682.3 13 619.8 9 083.1 842.9 3 693.7 1 062.5 C Manufacturing (10+ employees) 14 206.1 13 178.0 8 867.8 738.7 3 571.5 1 028.1 5-9 persons employed 476.1 441.8 215.3 104.2 122.2 34.3 10-19 persons employed 692.4 626.3 346.3 43.0 237.0 66.2 20-49 persons employed 1 599.0 1 453.6 962.8 141.4 349.4 145.4 50-99 persons employed 1 355.3 1 303.5 932.9 84.6 285.9 51.8 100-199 persons employed 1 841.1 1 747.0 1 362.2 60.6 324.2 94.2 200-499 persons employed 2 422.2 1 968.8 1 356.2 133.4 479.3 453.4 500 persons employed and more 6 296.1 6 078.9 3 907.5 275.8 1 895.7 217.2 G-N Services total (5+ employees) 30 117.0 29 301.6 20 434.4 5 160.0 3 707.2 815.4 G-N Services total (10+ employees) 27 407.4 26 746.1 18 790.1 4 585.3 3 370.7 661.3 5-9 persons employed 2 709.6 2 555.5 1 644.3 574.7 336.5 154.1 10-19 persons employed 4 615.4 4 411.9 3 027.2 793.2 591.5 203.4 20-49 persons employed 6 294.5 6 207.4 4 152.0 1 027.5 1 027.8 87.1 50-99 persons employed 3 794.3 3 686.3 2 651.0 462.4 572.9 108.0 100-199 persons employed 2 742.9 2 678.4 2 072.2 388.9 217.3 64.5 200-499 persons employed 5 130.1 5 058.8 3 829.4 679.2 550.1 71.3 500 persons employed and more 4 830.3 4 703.3 3 058.2 1 234.0 411.0 127.0 A, B, D-F Other industries (5+ employees) 5 563.9 4 997.8 2 784.7 567.7 1 645.4 566.1 A, B, D-F Other industries (10+ employees) 5 430.9 4 880.1 2 719.8 528.5 1 631.8 550.8 5-9 persons employed 133.0 117.6 64.8 39.2 13.6 15.4 10-19 persons employed 605.8 314.6 163.1 24.5 127.0 291.2 20-49 persons employed 774.0 734.3 276.4 53.9 404.1 39.7 50-99 persons employed 607.5 587.6 340.2 49.3 198.1 20.0 100-199 persons employed 455.7 396.1 253.8 40.1 102.2 59.6 200-499 persons employed 317.0 291.2 203.0 16.8 71.4 25.8 500 persons employed and more 2 670.7 2 556.3 1 483.4 343.9 729.0 114.4 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Intramural R&D expenditures in business enterprise sector, by industry (10+ employees). NOK millionDownload table as ...Intramural R&D expenditures in business enterprise sector, by industry (10+ employees). NOK million1
2023 Total R&D expenditures Total R&D current cost Of this: R&D investment cost Compensation of employees Costs for hired personnel Other current costs Nace (SN2007) A-N All industries 47 044.4 44 804.2 30 377.7 5 852.5 8 574.0 2 240.2 A03 Fishing and aquaculture 1 491.9 1 215.8 490.9 38.0 686.8 276.1 B05-B09 Mining and cuarrying 2 738.8 2 588.0 1 600.2 326.2 661.6 150.8 B06, B09.1 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas and support act. petroleum extraction 2 696.1 2 552.7 1 571.3 326.2 655.2 143.4 C Manufacturing 14 190.3 13 168.3 8 840.9 759.5 3 568.0 1 021.9 C10-C11 Food products and beverages 1 034.8 947.3 617.7 22.1 307.6 87.5 C13 Textiles 53.2 51.4 32.7 3.2 15.5 1.7 C14-C15 Wearing apparel, leather and leather products 42.5 38.5 33.9 0.0 4.6 4.0 C16 Wood and wood products 213.2 168.2 119.8 8.2 40.2 45.0 C17 Paper and paper products 186.0 148.3 109.0 2.3 37.1 37.7 C18 Printing and reproduction 72.2 68.8 33.4 0.7 34.6 3.4 C19-C20 Refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products 1 548.9 1 470.6 1 083.6 49.8 337.2 78.3 C21 Pharmaceuticals 616.2 603.0 442.8 4.5 155.7 13.3 C22 Rubber and plastic products 239.8 199.8 139.3 8.0 52.5 40.0 C23 Other non-metal mineral products 188.7 170.2 128.1 1.2 40.9 18.4 C24 Basic metals 610.2 574.4 420.1 23.4 130.9 35.8 C25 Fabricated metal prod. 1 909.8 1 879.8 909.4 36.1 934.3 29.9 C26 Electronic and optical products 3 046.9 2 972.9 2 169.9 260.2 542.8 74.0 C26.3 Manuf. of communication equipment 384.1 370.3 333.4 3.4 33.5 13.8 C26.5 Manuf of testing instr./appliances 1 745.2 1 734.5 1 150.5 176.2 407.8 10.7 C27 Electrical equipment 1 465.4 1 051.7 688.4 83.9 279.3 413.8 C28 Machinery and equipment 1 264.2 1 201.9 838.0 66.6 297.3 62.2 C29 Motor vehicles etc. 311.4 290.4 228.1 26.2 36.2 21.0 C30 Other transport equipment 341.2 312.3 210.2 27.3 74.8 28.8 C30.1 Building of ships and boats 319.8 292.2 193.7 26.8 71.7 27.7 C31 Furniture : : : : : : C32 Other manufacturing : : : : : : C33 Repair, installation of machinery 411.4 391.0 221.5 29.8 139.8 20.4 D35 Electricity and gas supply 643.8 578.9 308.0 81.4 189.4 64.9 E36-E39 Water supply, sewerage and waste 151.9 130.6 85.6 14.7 30.3 21.2 F41-F43 Construction 344.0 300.6 209.1 46.9 44.6 43.4 G-N Services total 27 483.7 26 822.0 18 843.0 4 585.7 3 393.3 661.8 G46 Wholesale trade 1 253.0 1 216.0 803.0 175.7 237.3 37.0 H49-H53 Transportation and storage 448.5 442.7 317.0 94.6 31.1 5.8 J58 Publishing activities 3 389.0 3 348.0 2 529.6 552.4 266.0 41.0 J58.2 Software publishing 3 118.9 3 078.9 2 345.5 490.3 243.1 40.0 J59-J60 Motion picture, TV, music prod., programming and broadcasting act. 34.4 33.9 24.7 7.6 1.6 0.4 J61 Telecommunications 451.9 414.1 296.9 76.4 40.8 37.8 J62 Computer programming, consultancy 10 720.4 10 576.6 7 781.1 1 820.6 974.8 143.8 J63 Information service activities 817.3 815.5 628.3 153.1 34.1 1.8 K64-K66 Financial and insurance activities 2 226.6 2 216.1 1 001.2 1 061.2 153.7 10.6 M70 Head offices, management consult. 551.3 549.7 438.0 30.7 80.9 1.7 M71 Architecture, engineering act. 4 853.8 4 613.5 3 353.2 486.6 773.7 240.3 M72 Scientific research and development 2 167.6 2 046.9 1 261.6 98.7 686.6 120.7 M74.9 Other professional, scientific and technical activities 483.5 469.0 361.4 23.3 84.3 14.5 N82.9 Other business supp. serv. act. 86.4 80.0 47.0 4.6 28.4 6.4 1The table includes enterprises with at least 10 employees. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - R&D personnel and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector, by industry (10+ employees). NumberDownload table as ...R&D personnel and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector, by industry (10+ employees). Number1
2023 Total R&D personnel Of this: Total R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) Of this: Female R&D personnel R&D personnel with higher degree education, incl.PhD R&D personnel with PhD R&D FTEs performed by personnel with higher degree education, incl. PhD R&D FTEs performed by personnel with PhD NACE (SN2007) A-N All industries 42 177 9 389 27 580 3 125 26 668 18 555 2 452 A03 Fishing and aquaculture 950 288 393 93 484 249 81 B05-B09 Mining and cuarrying 1 671 337 1 392 270 1 063 889 239 B06, B09.1 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas and support act. petroleum extraction 1 597 312 1 354 266 1 035 872 237 C Manufacturing 12 465 2 604 6 868 1 009 8 132 5 086 854 C10-C11 Food products and beverages 1 233 479 622 126 632 407 101 C13 Textiles 87 19 29 1 34 17 0 C14-C15 Wearing apparel, leather and leather products 56 43 42 0 48 37 0 C16 Wood and wood products 392 45 83 4 122 33 3 C17 Paper and paper products 220 52 98 9 113 63 8 C18 Printing and reproduction 131 31 17 0 43 6 0 C19-C20 Refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products 1 143 474 742 224 953 638 200 C21 Pharmaceuticals 417 230 361 138 348 308 130 C22 Rubber and plastic products 275 37 125 3 139 70 3 C23 Other non-metal mineral products 258 48 96 22 132 67 17 C24 Basic metals 597 133 291 88 337 203 74 C25 Fabricated metal prod. 1 123 121 502 40 733 379 29 C26 Electronic and optical products 2 254 312 1 526 161 2 039 1 410 152 C26.3 Manuf. of communication equipment 352 42 233 11 324 221 11 C26.5 Manuf of testing instr./appliances 1 144 159 721 67 1 016 656 60 C27 Electrical equipment 896 114 503 76 602 366 58 C28 Machinery and equipment 1 552 164 769 55 810 448 36 C29 Motor vehicles etc. 295 31 175 5 213 139 5 C30 Other transport equipment 604 69 382 14 197 125 5 C30.1 Building of ships and boats 574 65 360 13 178 108 4 C31 Furniture : : : : : : : C32 Other manufacturing : : : : : : : C33 Repair, installation of machinery 430 59 227 24 225 126 15 D35 Electricity and gas supply 746 174 572 74 255 204 31 E36-E39 Water supply, sewerage and waste 275 89 183 25 85 66 10 F41-F43 Construction 648 126 323 13 212 102 7 G-N Services total 25 421 5 771 17 849 1 641 16 438 11 959 1 229 G46 Wholesale trade 1 373 325 682 59 749 454 48 H49-H53 Transportation and storage 508 111 314 18 269 172 11 J58 Publishing activities 2 923 549 1 984 77 2 198 1 585 67 J58.2 Software publishing 2 643 470 1 791 73 2 017 1 454 64 J59-J60 Motion picture, TV, music prod., programming and broadcasting act. 74 17 28 1 33 15 1 J61 Telecommunications 370 59 280 42 253 204 39 J62 Computer programming, consultancy 9 964 1 829 6 872 381 6 757 4 722 298 J63 Information service activities 959 208 560 15 554 319 10 K64-K66 Financial and insurance activities 1 507 554 1 078 20 895 647 12 M70 Head offices, management consult. 665 286 585 68 341 315 43 M71 Architecture, engineering act. 4 865 1 081 3 760 467 2 794 2 262 327 M72 Scientific research and development 1 657 608 1 301 430 1 226 987 330 M74.9 Other professional, scientific and technical activities 471 92 344 50 325 250 36 N82.9 Other business supp. serv. act. 85 52 59 13 43 27 7 1The table includes enterprises with at least 10 employees. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 31 October 2024.
Research and development (R&D)
Research and development (R&D) comprises creative work undertaken on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge, or new applications of available knowledge.
It can be difficult to distinguish R&D from innovation and other related activities. Important criteria that must be met for the activity to be considered R&D are that it contains something new, is creative, has uncertainty related to the result, is systematic and can be transferred and/or reproduced.
R&D activity in business enterprises
Enterprises in business enterprise sector perform most of the R&D activity with own employees, but in some cases it is necessary to supply with external R&D expertise. The R&D statistics define two alternative ways to use external R&D expertise: purchase of R&D services (extramural R&D) and external R&D personnel (hired personnel). An enterprise that hires external personnel, for example consultants, keep the management of the R&D project and the external personnel works together with the enterprises' own employees.
Intramural R&D
is R&D performed within the statistical unit by own personnel or external/hired personnel.
Intramural R&D expenditures
encompass labour costs for R&D personnel, cost of external/hired R&D personnel, other current costs and capital expenditures on R&D. Extramural R&D is not included.
R&D personnel
encompass enterprises' employees that perform research and development, both inside and outside the R&D department. It includes researchers, product- and process developers and technical and administrative support staff that participate in R&D. External personnel are not included, but are available in separate tables.
R&D full-time equivalent (FTE)
is the R&D work performed by enterprises' employees during one year, converted into full-time equivalents (FTEs). R&D FTEs performed by external personnel are not included, but are available in separate tables.
R&D personnel and R&D FTEs can from 2021 be classified in two personnel types based on their tasks/functions:
- Researchers: Product- or process developers, researchers and project managers
- Technical/administrative personnel: support staff for R&D, including technicians, laboratory technicians, and administration connected to R&D projects.
Until 2021 they can be classified in these categories based on whether they had higher degree of education or not, and it is therefore break in time series.
External R&D personnel and R&D FTEs
encompass external/hired R&D personnel that are integrated in the enterprises' intramural R&D activity and work together with the enterprises' own R&D personnel. External R&D personnel have been subject to the enterprises' direct management. External R&D personnel and FTEs are available in separate tables in the Statbank.
Extramural R&D expenditures
encompass R&D services purchased from others; as research institutes, other Norwegian/foreign enterprises. Also including delivered R&D services from units in the same enterprise group. Costs of external personnel are not included.
The statistical units are classified according to:
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). The basis for SIC 2007 is the EU standard NACE Rev. 2 and the UN standard ISIC Rev. 3.
- Size class by number of employees: 05-09 employees, 10-19, 20-49, 50-99, 100-199, 200-499 and 500+ employees
- Counties