Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Research and development in the business enterprise sector

The statistics measures resources spent on research and development (R&D) in the business enterprise sector. It includes intramural and extramural R&D expenditure, R&D personnel, and R&D full-time equivalents. It also covers other aspects like funding, type of R&D and thematic and technology areas.

Updated: 24 February 2025
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Research and development (R&D) in business enterprise sector.
    Research and development (R&D) in business enterprise sector.1
    All enterprises (10+ employed)
    20232022 - 2023
    LevelPercentagesChange in per cent
    Intramural R&D expenditure (NOK million)47 044.41009.9
    By industry:
    Manufacturing14 206.1305.4
    Services total27 407.45811.1
    Other industries5 430.91217.1
    By size of enterprise:
    10-49 persons employed14 581.131
    50-99 persons employed5 757.112
    100-199 persons employed5 039.811
    200-499 persons employed7 869.317
    500 persons employed and more13 797.129
    R&D full-time equivalents (FTE)26 6685.9
    1Figures for enterprises with 5-9 employees are available in the StatBank.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Intramural and extramural R&D expenditure and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector, by industry and size class (10+ employees). Three years.
    Intramural and extramural R&D expenditure and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector, by industry and size class (10+ employees). Three years.1
    Intramural R&D (NOK million)Extramural R&D (NOK million)R&D full-time equivalents (FTE)
    Nace (SN2007) and size class
    A-N All industries38 305.142 792.847 044.48 946.49 781.79 678.223 74525 19026 668
    10-19 persons employed4 414.45 414.55 913.6796.5721.6914.43 0403 3873 499
    20-49 persons employed6 435.17 400.78 667.51 190.61 638.01 350.14 5584 9005 067
    50-99 persons employed5 423.55 884.45 757.1965.4900.3789.23 6173 7333 647
    100-199 persons employed5 253.35 749.05 039.81 326.61 601.11 196.93 4793 2413 341
    200-499 persons employed6 237.16 727.37 869.31 359.81 323.61 358.73 9204 1754 395
    500 persons employed and more10 541.611 616.913 797.13 307.63 597.24 069.05 1325 7536 720
    C Manufacturing11 808.113 480.014 206.12 406.72 653.62 317.17 5447 7538 128
    10-19 persons employed718.8505.6692.4122.654.167.2512319362
    20-49 persons employed1 325.81 458.11 599.0175.4249.4255.6935958942
    50-99 persons employed1 233.21 439.41 355.3125.4143.3119.5847976921
    100-199 persons employed1 935.42 578.91 841.1813.6873.0396.81 3211 2721 307
    200-499 persons employed2 070.72 451.62 422.2424.4412.3321.51 3821 4981 194
    500 persons employed and more4 524.25 046.36 296.1745.3921.61 156.62 5462 7303 402
    G-N Services total22 376.224 676.327 407.43 568.14 193.04 195.514 28515 46716 410
    10-19 persons employed3 568.74 385.44 615.4653.5595.1807.82 4682 9812 991
    20-49 persons employed4 633.35 517.46 294.5923.61 239.51 040.23 3663 6643 881
    50-99 persons employed3 629.63 692.83 794.3715.5637.3501.62 4642 3582 400
    100-199 persons employed2 743.12 747.72 742.9376.9599.0655.31 8731 8011 810
    200-499 persons employed3 830.64 007.15 130.1474.4571.6614.12 3732 5273 023
    500 persons employed and more3 970.84 325.84 830.3424.1550.5576.51 7402 1352 303
    A, B, D-F Other industries4 120.84 636.55 430.92 971.62 935.13 165.61 9161 9692 130
    10-19 persons employed126.8523.5605.820.472.339.45987145
    20-49 persons employed476.0425.2774.091.5149.154.3257278244
    50-99 persons employed560.7752.1607.5124.5119.8168.1306399326
    100-199 persons employed574.8422.3455.7136.1129.0144.8284167224
    200-499 persons employed335.8268.6317.0461.0339.7423.1166149178
    500 persons employed and more2 046.62 244.82 670.72 138.12 125.22 335.98468881 014
    1Figures for enterprises with 5-9 employees are available in the StatBank.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Intramural and extramural R&D expenditure, R&D personell and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector by Industry (10+ employees). Two years
    Intramural and extramural R&D expenditure, R&D personell and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector by Industry (10+ employees). Two years1
    Intramural R&D (NOK million)Extramural R&D (NOK million)R&D personnel (number of)R&D full-time equivalents (FTE)
    Nace (SN2007)
    A-N All industries42 792.847 044.49 781.89 678.241 20142 17725 19026 668
    A03 Fishing and aquaculture1 398.21 491.9231.5166.9984950460484
    B05-B09 Mining and cuarrying1 960.42 738.82 136.12 471.81 2291 6718271 063
    B06, B09.1 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas and support act. petroleum extraction1 930.52 696.12 135.92 466.41 1951 5978041 035
    C Manufacturing13 645.814 190.32 653.92 314.912 46912 4657 7908 132
    C10-C11 Food products and beverages1 135.01 034.8202.0211.51 3911 233672632
    C13 Textiles37.
    C14-C15 Wearing apparel, leather and leather products39.842.50.20.073565048
    C16 Wood and wood products173.9213.227.320.0429392139122
    C17 Paper and paper products184.3186.012.615.9217220110113
    C18 Printing and reproduction36.372.21.22.51011313043
    C19-C20 Refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products1 494.01 548.9565.9682.51 1411 143924953
    C21 Pharmaceuticals510.2616.2948.5537.7365417315348
    C22 Rubber and plastic products252.0239.842.730.2341275205139
    C23 Other non-metal mineral products159.5188.748.327.8235258127132
    C24 Basic metals543.0610.280.689.4592597321337
    C25 Fabricated metal prod.1 741.41 909.897.355.51 1571 123662733
    C26 Electronic and optical products2 689.13 046.9103.7117.02 2292 2541 8312 039
    C26.3 Manuf. of communication equipment400.5384.134.038.9368352340324
    C26.5 Manuf of testing instr./appliances1 313.31 745.233.735.41 0841 1447531 016
    C27 Electrical equipment1 719.61 465.4156.3216.0751896532602
    C28 Machinery and equipment1 466.51 7231 552913810
    C29 Motor vehicles etc.316.8311.413.717.7265295211213
    C30 Other transport equipment351.6341.276.578.9664604211197
    C30.1 Building of ships and boats318.1319.870.377.5621574191178
    C31 Furniture168.1:17.7:175:134:
    C32 Other manufacturing326.0:162.8:222:179:
    C33 Repair, installation of machinery301.8411.415.620.1310430194225
    D35 Electricity and gas supply407.7643.8267.5339.7740746224255
    E36-E39 Water supply, sewerage and waste243.5151.973.228.132527510385
    F41-F43 Construction417.3344.0225.6149.0943648293212
    G-N Services total24 719.827 483.74 194.14 207.824 51225 42115 49316 438
    G46 Wholesale trade992.31 253.0320.8356.91 2541 373540749
    H49-H53 Transportation and storage357.1448.5128.4184.4529508232269
    J58 Publishing activities3 234.63 389.0387.5286.83 1642 9232 3262 198
    J58.2 Software publishing2 906.63 118.9263.1168.62 8432 6432 1092 017
    J59-J60 Motion picture, TV, music prod., programming and broadcasting act.15.234.414.611.670741333
    J61 Telecommunications558.2451.922.475.4476370345253
    J62 Computer programming, consultancy9 485.410 720.4863.4872.59 5869 9646 4196 757
    J63 Information service activities596.6817.3143.4100.9756959424554
    K64-K66 Financial and insurance activities2 009.62 226.6675.1655.51 4861 507868895
    M70 Head offices, management consult.522.1551.377.625.4638665291341
    M71 Architecture, engineering act.4 407.94 853.8612.3552.44 4984 8652 5732 794
    M72 Scientific research and development2 124.42 167.6884.31 024.81 5701 6571 1531 226
    M74.9 Other professional, scientific and technical activities362.7483.550.252.9396471272325
    N82.9 Other business supp. serv. act.53.786.414.18.189853643
    1The table includes enterprises with at least 10 employees.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Intramural R&D expenditure in business enterprise sector, by industry and size class (5+ employees). NOK million.
    Intramural R&D expenditure in business enterprise sector, by industry and size class (5+ employees). NOK million.
    Total R&D expendituresTotal R&D current costOf this:R&D investment cost
    Compensation of employeesCosts for hired personnelOther current costs
    NACE (SN2007) and size classes
    A-N All industries (5+ employees)50 363.147 919.232 302.26 570.79 046.32 443.9
    A-N All industries (10+ employees)47 044.444 804.230 377.75 852.58 574.02 240.2
    5-9 persons employed3 318.73 114.91 924.5718.2472.3203.7
    10-19 persons employed5 913.65 352.83 536.6860.7955.5560.8
    20-49 persons employed8 667.58 395.35 391.21 222.71 781.4272.2
    50-99 persons employed5 757.15 577.33 924.0596.41 056.9179.8
    100-199 persons employed5 039.84 821.53 688.2489.6643.7218.3
    200-499 persons employed7 869.37 318.85 388.6829.41 100.8550.5
    500 persons employed and more13 797.113 338.68 449.21 853.73 035.7458.6
    C Manufacturing (5+ employees)14 682.313 619.89 083.1842.93 693.71 062.5
    C Manufacturing (10+ employees)14 206.113 178.08 867.8738.73 571.51 028.1
    5-9 persons employed476.1441.8215.3104.2122.234.3
    10-19 persons employed692.4626.3346.343.0237.066.2
    20-49 persons employed1 599.01 453.6962.8141.4349.4145.4
    50-99 persons employed1 355.31 303.5932.984.6285.951.8
    100-199 persons employed1 841.11 747.01 362.260.6324.294.2
    200-499 persons employed2 422.21 968.81 356.2133.4479.3453.4
    500 persons employed and more6 296.16 078.93 907.5275.81 895.7217.2
    G-N Services total (5+ employees)30 117.029 301.620 434.45 160.03 707.2815.4
    G-N Services total (10+ employees)27 407.426 746.118 790.14 585.33 370.7661.3
    5-9 persons employed2 709.62 555.51 644.3574.7336.5154.1
    10-19 persons employed4 615.44 411.93 027.2793.2591.5203.4
    20-49 persons employed6 294.56 207.44 152.01 027.51 027.887.1
    50-99 persons employed3 794.33 686.32 651.0462.4572.9108.0
    100-199 persons employed2 742.92 678.42 072.2388.9217.364.5
    200-499 persons employed5 130.15 058.83 829.4679.2550.171.3
    500 persons employed and more4 830.34 703.33 058.21 234.0411.0127.0
    A, B, D-F Other industries (5+ employees)5 563.94 997.82 784.7567.71 645.4566.1
    A, B, D-F Other industries (10+ employees)5 430.94 880.12 719.8528.51 631.8550.8
    5-9 persons employed133.0117.664.839.213.615.4
    10-19 persons employed605.8314.6163.124.5127.0291.2
    20-49 persons employed774.0734.3276.453.9404.139.7
    50-99 persons employed607.5587.6340.249.3198.120.0
    100-199 persons employed455.7396.1253.840.1102.259.6
    200-499 persons employed317.0291.2203.016.871.425.8
    500 persons employed and more2 670.72 556.31 483.4343.9729.0114.4
    Explanation of symbols
  • Intramural R&D expenditures in business enterprise sector, by industry (10+ employees). NOK million
    Intramural R&D expenditures in business enterprise sector, by industry (10+ employees). NOK million1
    Total R&D expendituresTotal R&D current costOf this:R&D investment cost
    Compensation of employeesCosts for hired personnelOther current costs
    Nace (SN2007)
    A-N All industries47 044.444 804.230 377.75 852.58 574.02 240.2
    A03 Fishing and aquaculture1 491.91 215.8490.938.0686.8276.1
    B05-B09 Mining and cuarrying2 738.82 588.01 600.2326.2661.6150.8
    B06, B09.1 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas and support act. petroleum extraction2 696.12 552.71 571.3326.2655.2143.4
    C Manufacturing14 190.313 168.38 840.9759.53 568.01 021.9
    C10-C11 Food products and beverages1 034.8947.3617.722.1307.687.5
    C13 Textiles53.251.432.
    C14-C15 Wearing apparel, leather and leather products42.538.533.
    C16 Wood and wood products213.2168.2119.
    C17 Paper and paper products186.0148.3109.02.337.137.7
    C18 Printing and reproduction72.268.833.40.734.63.4
    C19-C20 Refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products1 548.91 470.61 083.649.8337.278.3
    C21 Pharmaceuticals616.2603.0442.84.5155.713.3
    C22 Rubber and plastic products239.8199.8139.38.052.540.0
    C23 Other non-metal mineral products188.7170.2128.11.240.918.4
    C24 Basic metals610.2574.4420.123.4130.935.8
    C25 Fabricated metal prod.1 909.81 879.8909.436.1934.329.9
    C26 Electronic and optical products3 046.92 972.92 169.9260.2542.874.0
    C26.3 Manuf. of communication equipment384.1370.3333.43.433.513.8
    C26.5 Manuf of testing instr./appliances1 745.21 734.51 150.5176.2407.810.7
    C27 Electrical equipment1 465.41 051.7688.483.9279.3413.8
    C28 Machinery and equipment1 264.21 201.9838.066.6297.362.2
    C29 Motor vehicles etc.311.4290.4228.
    C30 Other transport equipment341.2312.3210.227.374.828.8
    C30.1 Building of ships and boats319.8292.2193.726.871.727.7
    C31 Furniture::::::
    C32 Other manufacturing::::::
    C33 Repair, installation of machinery411.4391.0221.529.8139.820.4
    D35 Electricity and gas supply643.8578.9308.081.4189.464.9
    E36-E39 Water supply, sewerage and waste151.9130.685.614.730.321.2
    F41-F43 Construction344.0300.6209.146.944.643.4
    G-N Services total27 483.726 822.018 843.04 585.73 393.3661.8
    G46 Wholesale trade1 253.01 216.0803.0175.7237.337.0
    H49-H53 Transportation and storage448.5442.7317.094.631.15.8
    J58 Publishing activities3 389.03 348.02 529.6552.4266.041.0
    J58.2 Software publishing3 118.93 078.92 345.5490.3243.140.0
    J59-J60 Motion picture, TV, music prod., programming and broadcasting act.34.433.924.
    J61 Telecommunications451.9414.1296.976.440.837.8
    J62 Computer programming, consultancy10 720.410 576.67 781.11 820.6974.8143.8
    J63 Information service activities817.3815.5628.3153.134.11.8
    K64-K66 Financial and insurance activities2 226.62 216.11 001.21 061.2153.710.6
    M70 Head offices, management consult.551.3549.7438.030.780.91.7
    M71 Architecture, engineering act.4 853.84 613.53 353.2486.6773.7240.3
    M72 Scientific research and development2 167.62 046.91 261.698.7686.6120.7
    M74.9 Other professional, scientific and technical activities483.5469.0361.423.384.314.5
    N82.9 Other business supp. serv. act.86.480.047.04.628.46.4
    1The table includes enterprises with at least 10 employees.
    Explanation of symbols
  • R&D personnel and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector, by industry (10+ employees). Number
    R&D personnel and R&D full-time equivalents (FTE) in business enterprise sector, by industry (10+ employees). Number1
    Total R&D personnelOf this:Total R&D full-time equivalents (FTE)Of this:
    Female R&D personnelR&D personnel with higher degree education, incl.PhDR&D personnel with PhDR&D FTEs performed by personnel with higher degree education, incl. PhDR&D FTEs performed by personnel with PhD
    NACE (SN2007)
    A-N All industries42 1779 38927 5803 12526 66818 5552 452
    A03 Fishing and aquaculture9502883939348424981
    B05-B09 Mining and cuarrying1 6713371 3922701 063889239
    B06, B09.1 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas and support act. petroleum extraction1 5973121 3542661 035872237
    C Manufacturing12 4652 6046 8681 0098 1325 086854
    C10-C11 Food products and beverages1 233479622126632407101
    C13 Textiles871929134170
    C14-C15 Wearing apparel, leather and leather products564342048370
    C16 Wood and wood products39245834122333
    C17 Paper and paper products22052989113638
    C18 Printing and reproduction131311704360
    C19-C20 Refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products1 143474742224953638200
    C21 Pharmaceuticals417230361138348308130
    C22 Rubber and plastic products275371253139703
    C23 Other non-metal mineral products2584896221326717
    C24 Basic metals5971332918833720374
    C25 Fabricated metal prod.1 1231215024073337929
    C26 Electronic and optical products2 2543121 5261612 0391 410152
    C26.3 Manuf. of communication equipment352422331132422111
    C26.5 Manuf of testing instr./appliances1 144159721671 01665660
    C27 Electrical equipment8961145037660236658
    C28 Machinery and equipment1 5521647695581044836
    C29 Motor vehicles etc.2953117552131395
    C30 Other transport equipment60469382141971255
    C30.1 Building of ships and boats57465360131781084
    C31 Furniture:::::::
    C32 Other manufacturing:::::::
    C33 Repair, installation of machinery430592272422512615
    D35 Electricity and gas supply7461745727425520431
    E36-E39 Water supply, sewerage and waste2758918325856610
    F41-F43 Construction648126323132121027
    G-N Services total25 4215 77117 8491 64116 43811 9591 229
    G46 Wholesale trade1 3733256825974945448
    H49-H53 Transportation and storage5081113141826917211
    J58 Publishing activities2 9235491 984772 1981 58567
    J58.2 Software publishing2 6434701 791732 0171 45464
    J59-J60 Motion picture, TV, music prod., programming and broadcasting act.741728133151
    J61 Telecommunications370592804225320439
    J62 Computer programming, consultancy9 9641 8296 8723816 7574 722298
    J63 Information service activities9592085601555431910
    K64-K66 Financial and insurance activities1 5075541 0782089564712
    M70 Head offices, management consult.6652865856834131543
    M71 Architecture, engineering act.4 8651 0813 7604672 7942 262327
    M72 Scientific research and development1 6576081 3014301 226987330
    M74.9 Other professional, scientific and technical activities471923445032525036
    N82.9 Other business supp. serv. act.8552591343277
    1The table includes enterprises with at least 10 employees.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 31 October 2024.

Research and development (R&D)

Research and development (R&D) comprises creative work undertaken on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge, or new applications of available knowledge.

It can be difficult to distinguish R&D from innovation and other related activities. Important criteria that must be met for the activity to be considered R&D are that it contains something new, is creative, has uncertainty related to the result, is systematic and can be transferred and/or reproduced.

R&D activity in business enterprises
Enterprises in business enterprise sector perform most of the R&D activity with own employees, but in some cases it is necessary to supply with external R&D expertise. The R&D statistics define two alternative ways to use external R&D expertise: purchase of R&D services (extramural R&D) and external R&D personnel (hired personnel). An enterprise that hires external personnel, for example consultants, keep the management of the R&D project and the external personnel works together with the enterprises' own employees.

Intramural R&D
is R&D performed within the statistical unit by own personnel or external/hired personnel.

Intramural R&D expenditures
encompass labour costs for R&D personnel, cost of external/hired R&D personnel, other current costs and capital expenditures on R&D. Extramural R&D is not included.

R&D personnel
encompass enterprises' employees that perform research and development, both inside and outside the R&D department. It includes researchers, product- and process developers and technical and administrative support staff that participate in R&D. External personnel are not included, but are available in separate tables.

R&D full-time equivalent (FTE)
is the R&D work performed by enterprises' employees during one year, converted into full-time equivalents (FTEs). R&D FTEs performed by external personnel are not included, but are available in separate tables.

R&D personnel and R&D FTEs can from 2021 be classified in two personnel types based on their tasks/functions:

  • Researchers: Product- or process developers, researchers and project managers
  • Technical/administrative personnel: support staff for R&D, including technicians, laboratory technicians, and administration connected to R&D projects.

Until 2021 they can be classified in these categories based on whether they had higher degree of education or not, and it is therefore break in time series.

External R&D personnel and R&D FTEs
encompass external/hired R&D personnel that are integrated in the enterprises' intramural R&D activity and work together with the enterprises' own R&D personnel. External R&D personnel have been subject to the enterprises' direct management. External R&D personnel and FTEs are available in separate tables in the Statbank.

Extramural R&D expenditures
encompass R&D services purchased from others; as research institutes, other Norwegian/foreign enterprises. Also including delivered R&D services from units in the same enterprise group. Costs of external personnel are not included.

The statistical units are classified according to:

  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). The basis for SIC 2007 is the EU standard NACE Rev. 2 and the UN standard ISIC Rev. 3.
  • Size class by number of employees: 05-09 employees, 10-19, 20-49, 50-99, 100-199, 200-499 and 500+ employees
  • Counties

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