Statistics Norway

Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents

1 Population 1 January 2010 and 2011 and changes in 2010, by immigration category and country background. Absolute numbers
Immigrant category / country background Population 1.1.2010 Livebirths Deaths Excess of births Immigrations Emigrations Net migrations Increase in population1 Population 1.1.2011
Befolkningen, i alt 4 858 199 61 442 41 499 19 943 73 852 31 506 42 346 62 289 4 920 305
Født i Norge med to norskfødte foreldre 4 031 805 44 971 39 422 5 549 5 062 5 517 -455 5 094 4 037 301
Immigrants  459 346 261 1 472 -1 411 65 439 22 817 42 622 41 211  500 500
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents 92 967 8 816 65 8 751  668 1 484 -816 7 935  100 422
Foreign-born with one Norwegian-born parent 30 766 - 62 -62 1 280  430  850  788 31 540
Norwegian-born with one foreign-born parent  206 627 7 594  417 7 177  829 1 112 -283 6 894  213 486
Foreign-born to Norwegian-born parents3 36 688 - 61 -61  574  146  428  367 37 056
Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents  552 313 8 877 1 537 7 340 66 107 24 301 41 806 49 146  600 922
Rest of the population 4 305 886 52 565 39 962 12 603 7 745 7 205  540 13 143 4 319 383
Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents by country background                  
Total  552 313 8 877 1 537 7 340 66 107 24 301 41 806 49 146  600 922
Nordic Countries 63 040  404  414 -10 9 964 5 757 4 207 4 197 67 201
Western Europe without the Nordic countries 56 425  492  304  188 7 038 3 289 3 749 3 937 60 325
Eastern Europe  137 572 2 711  258 2 453 26 894 6 798 20 096 22 549  159 907
Asia with Turkey  198 722 3 185  307 2 878 12 857 4 886 7 971 10 849  209 467
Afrika 67 169 1 897 90 1 807 6 422 1 782 4 640 6 447 73 480
South- and Central America 18 355  152 38  114 1 458  722  736  850 19 193
Northern America 9 309 27  123 -96 1 163  845  318  222 9 533
Oseania 1 721 9 3 6  311  222 89 95 1 816
Selected groups                  
Poland 52 125 1 058 68  990 11 385 3 786 7 599 8 589 60 610
Sweden 31 193  236  140 96 6 604 3 762 2 842 2 938 34 108
Pakistan 31 061  463 68  395  835  399  436  831 31 884
Iraq 26 374  733 22  711 1 203  440  763 1 474 27 827
Somalia 25 496  940 31  909 1 859  653 1 206 2 115 27 523
Germany 22 859  275  104  171 2 564 1 184 1 380 1 551 24 394
Vietnam 20 100  242 44  198  347  178  169  367 20 452
Denmark 19 298 72  202 -130 1 211  852  359  229 19 522
Iran 16 321  151 26  125  748  235  513  638 16 957
Turkey 15 998  249 26  223  429  213  216  439 16 430
Bosnia-Herzegovina 15 918  201 58  143  200  146 54  197 16 125
Russia 14 873  284 15  269 1 109  348  761 1 030 15 879
Sri Lanka 13 772  184 16  168  268  184 84  252 14 017
Philippines 13 447  125 21  104 2 170  911 1 259 1 363 14 797
United Kingdom 12 843 47  124 -77 1 283  652  631  554 13 395
Kosovo 12 719  282 17  265  258  136  122  387 13 303
Thailand 12 268 58 8 50 1 226  240  986 1 036 13 293
Afghanistan 10 475  287 9  278 1 374 79 1 295 1 573 12 043
Lithuania 10 341  325 10  315 6 449  763 5 686 6 001 16 309
1  The difference in population the two subsequent years as a rule will deviate from the total of birth surplus and net migration. The deviation in the population accounts is due to belated reports, annulments, corrections etc.
2  These persons have re-registrered. They should only have been birth-registrered.
3  Inter-country adopted persons are included here.

Explanation of symbols