Livestock husbandry

Updated: 13 May 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Change in number of beef cows
Change in number of beef cows
2023 - 2024
Livestock husbandry, as of 1 March
Livestock husbandry, as of 1 March
2024Per cent change
2023 - 20242015 - 2024
Holdings keeping domestic animals25 000-1.5-12.5
Dairy cows202 771-0.1-11.2
Beef cows106 337-1.947.8
Sheep889 615-2.2-15.9
Dairy goat33 938-1.68.1
Pigs for breeding, total68 209-3.7-27.3
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Holdings keeping domestic animals of various kinds as per 1 March
    Holdings keeping domestic animals of various kinds as per 1 March1 2
    Holdings with
    Domestic animalsCattleCows, totalDiary cowsBeef cowsWinter feed sheepPigs, totalHensDairy goats
    202026 20313 11312 0067 2145 73913 5461 7211 470280
    202126 02612 91811 8316 9105 93613 4241 6951 456273
    202225 60412 69711 7146 7236 02313 2551 6651 381268
    202325 38812 34411 3926 4885 96813 0351 5971 306256
    202425 00011 98011 0566 2685 84212 9301 5371 294251
    Oslo and Akershus74032532529510421060662
    Innlandet4 1292 2982 2982 1551 1881 23929218646
    Agder1 40170570565525946644781
    Rogaland3 4611 7961 7961 70199996642215911
    Vestland4 8171 6881 6881 4929416278818465
    Møre og Romsdal1 905918918817560306359024
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage3 5182 0592 0591 9231 2298652522086
    Nordland - Nordlánnda1 479734734667413311856922
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa62922922921013783154047
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku2179999938220490
    1Comprises holdings whitch applied for governmental production subsidies.
    2Preliminary figures for last year.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Cattle and sheep. No of heads as per 1 March
    Cattle and sheep. No of heads as per 1 March1 2
    CattleCows, totalDiary cowsBeef cowsOther cattleWinter feed sheep
    2021882 968317 073212 629104 444565 895944 347
    2022893 771319 590211 058108 532574 181928 234
    2023881 320311 300202 876108 424570 020909 914
    2024851 697309 108202 771106 337542 589889 615
    Østfold19 3527 2944 2193 07512 0585 126
    Oslo and Akershus25 7878 9283 9534 97516 85912 146
    Innlandet176 78962 69535 83926 856114 094136 039
    Buskerud25 0039 7554 1175 63815 2484 899
    Vestfold15 9085 6542 1913 46310 2544 899
    Telemark13 7415 2251 8553 3708 51617 483
    Agder37 05914 1296 6457 48422 93040 246
    Rogaland149 30253 70237 96415 73895 600190 112
    Vestland78 77830 22823 0587 17048 550178 029
    Møre og Romsdal63 48322 61217 9054 70740 87155 126
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage170 08961 45844 45617 002108 63196 231
    Nordland - Nordlánnda54 89819 19713 9155 28235 70173 482
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa14 1105 3403 9321 4088 77037 341
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku7 3982 8912 7221694 5079 579
    1Preliminary figures for last year
    2Comprises holdings which applied for governmental subsidies.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Domestic animals. Number of heads as per 1 March.
    Domestic animals. Number of heads as per 1 March.1 2
    Dairy goatsPigs for breeding, totalLaying hens
    202135 91575 2004 163 101
    202235 47272 2484 135 095
    202334 47470 8474 088 541
    202433 93868 2094 082 751
    Østfold03 422434 310
    Oslo and Akershus913 089169 381
    Innlandet4 96615 077578 731
    Buskerud1 767961120 840
    Vestfold03 835118 447
    Telemark1 6951 41290 999
    Agder251 403125 330
    Rogaland2 02119 356997 877
    Vestland7 7462 210185 336
    Møre og Romsdal4 194577151 150
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage41812 756995 758
    Nordland - Nordlánnda3 7323 89176 075
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa7 2839116
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku09116
    1Comprises holdings wich applied for governmental production subsidies.
    2Preliminary figures for the last year.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Holdings with various kinds of domestic animals, by size of herd. As per 1 March
    Holdings with various kinds of domestic animals, by size of herd. As per 1 March1 2
    HoldingsNumber of heads
    Cows, total
    Total12 00611 83111 71411 39211 056306 076317 073319 590311 300309 108
    1-45665715474914401 4751 4851 4141 2401 095
    5-91 6481 5651 5051 5001 49311 87911 36210 87110 85610 862
    10-141 8931 7711 7771 6811 59322 74521 29121 33320 17519 149
    15-191 8481 7081 6371 5761 47631 33728 89027 73126 65725 015
    20-292 3472 2752 1892 1672 05256 05854 35152 28552 06049 345
    30-3 7043 9414 0593 9774 002182 582199 694205 956200 312203 642
    Dairy cows
    Total7 2146 9106 7236 4886 268207 855212 629211 058202 876202 771
    5-94714023713803793 5393 0092 7952 8822 838
    10-141 05590988182675212 95411 16610 77510 1019 160
    15-191 3261 1691 0651 01290022 52219 88318 13017 14815 291
    20-291 6721 5711 4941 4401 38039 94437 48135 81134 63133 281
    30-2 6612 8292 8842 8012 828128 800140 998143 458138 027142 120
    Beef cows
    Total5 7395 9366 0235 9685 84298 221104 444108 532108 424106 337
    1-47917857436735911 9131 9071 7481 5801 386
    5-91 5101 7631 5021 5011 50410 66410 88110 68610 66310 774
    10-191 6851 8651 8331 8011 80423 08824 21625 25424 88225 147
    20-1 7531 7531 9451 9931 94362 55667 44070 84471 29969 030
    Total13 73413 54613 42413 25513 199936 203947 499944 347928 234915 344
    1-98488257857929035 1025 0814 9114 9695 642
    10-191 7501 6641 6521 6841 66825 31724 15824 06724 49224 028
    20-494 4514 3474 2954 2454 181146 689143 527141 929140 502137 507
    50-993 6413 5983 5823 4913 402256 834254 928253 288247 456240 419
    100-1491 7351 6921 6751 5991 584209 236205 933203 438194 143193 536
    150-1 3091 4201 4351 4441 461293 025313 872316 714316 672314 212
    Sows for breeding
    Total95192088183478975 47973 59770 48569 25566 474
    1-192462442362111971 4841 4461 3541 3301 254
    20-391601511411291154 6614 4204 1133 7183 400
    40-591581541441401397 7667 5887 0726 9526 999
    60-79991019490806 7767 0096 4906 1835 438
    80-9959565049495 2194 9894 3984 3144 358
    100 or more22921421621520949 57348 14547 05846 75845 025
    Laying hens
    Total1 4701 4561 3811 3061 2944 107 8314 163 1014 135 0954 088 5414 082 751
    1-9987585478071971713 56014 51314 39612 93613 126
    100-49945474942408 5018 8099 7149 4669 061
    500-9991011131177 1007 5109 1367 7485 117
    1000-1999171615141624 18022 62321 64820 55422 552
    2000-49992931262420101 725104 54286 90086 05672 065
    5000-4944974984964943 952 7654 005 1043 993 3013 951 7813 960 830
    1Preliminary figures for last year.
    2Comprises holdings which applied for governmental subsidies.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics gives information about holdings with livestock and number of livestock.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 10 September 2021.

Not relevant

Not relevant

Name: Livestock husbandry

Topic: Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Not yet determined

Division for Housing, Property, Spatial and Agricultural Statistics

County, municipality


Not relevant

Primary data is stored at Statistics Norway.

The purpose is to chart the extent of livestock keeping at the municipal level. Information from this register has been used since 1984.

The statistics is used by the Norwegian Institute for Land Inventory (NIJOS), Norwegian Agricultural Economic Research Institute (NILF), public enterprises at the municipal and county level, the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, in research and by agricultural organizations.

Not relevant

Not relevant

Statistics Act § 10-1.

Not relevant

The population covers everyone who applies for agricultural production subsidies as of 1 March. Those who do not have the right to production subsidies or do not apply for other reasons are not covered by the statistics.

The administrative record of everyone who applies for an agricultural production subsidy from the Norwegian Agricultural Authority is the compilation basis of the statistics. The register contains information on number of livestock on holdings.

Only one production subsidy is given per holding. A holding is an agricultural enterprise including livestock keeping. The holding includes everything operated as a unit.

Five per cent of the applications are also selected for special control. The control shall cover all reports submitted by the applicant on physical censuses of animals and measuring of areas. A number of machine controls of the material are also carried out. Statistics Norway also runs some machine controls upon receipt of the data material.

Not relevant

Figures are not presented if there is a risk of identifying any unit.

Since 1984 the statistics on area use and livestock keeping are based on applications for production subsidies.

The Agricultural Authority in the municipality shall ensure that the applications are in compliance with production subsidy regulations.

Not relevant
