
Employed and contracted man-years in municipalities and county authorities. Figures for 4th. Quarter 2011-20121
 20112012Change 2011-2012Percentage change 2011-2012
1Oslo is not included in the figures due to problems with the quality on the data for 2012.
Municipality, total    
Employed417 671420 6903 0190.7
Contracted man-years319 118.1322 857.03 738.91.2
Contracted man-years adjusted for sick-leave and maternity leave288 921.8292 857.63 935.81.4
County authority, total    
Employed45 48545 508230.1
Contracted man-years39 291.939 704.2412.31.0
Contracted man-years adjusted for sick-leave and maternity leave36 649.437 024.7375.31.0