
Pupils and students 16 years or more, by age, sex and employment 14 - 20 November 2011. Numbers and per cent1
TotalTotalEmployed persons
MalesFemalesTotalMalesFemalesPer cent
1Apprentices and students abroad not included.
Total454 820203 757251 063246 06099 650146 41054.148.958.3
16-18 years166 42183 11983 30256 78524 24732 53834.129.239.1
19-24 years149 97265 18784 78588 77135 30253 46964.054.263.1
25-29 years52 75324 29728 45636 38116 86019 52169.069.468.6
30-34 years26 35610 91515 44118 6177 95010 66770.672.869.1
35 years or older59 31820 23939 07945 50615 29130 21576.775.677.3