
Mortgage companies. Loans by sector. NOK million1
February 2013January 2013December 2012November 2012October 2012September 2012August 2012July 2012June 2012May 2012April 2012March 2012February 2012
February 2013
January 2013
December 2012
November 2012
October 2012
September 2012
August 2012
July 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
March 2012
February 2012
Total loans1 440 1211 425 3311 426 7021 416 4141 414 2011 413 4661 396 6451 384 6151 380 5751 371 3701 356 6941 346 2861 317 747
Non-financial corporations132 157131 280132 976134 063137 665138 966139 116138 539143 323142 496140 304140 542166 589
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........................
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government110110110110110110110110110110110110..
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government4 4994 5674 6864 7134 6944 6024 6644 6424 6524 4344 3734 3554 313
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government32 94432 69632 49932 32232 68432 88132 79632 32332 19931 31730 89030 52130 107
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises84 07083 54084 89385 95689 19990 27389 93789 78394 53294 84492 75493 25494 886
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises9 6159 4489 86710 03710 05410 17010 67710 74910 89410 84111 22711 35936 337
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises919920921924925929932932937949950944947
Financial corporations25 08526 86726 15626 20028 01528 41328 51328 77928 63828 48528 12331 06129 063
Norges Bank..........................
Banks20 56222 43521 98822 10824 96325 34925 42625 69025 62626 24325 88228 85428 604
Mortgage companies458458458458458458458458458458458432458
Finance companies..........................
State lending institutions etc...........................
Financial holding companies11111................
Mutual funds..........................
Investment trusts and private equity funds3 5443 5443 2813 2812 3092 3202 3202 3202 2441 4661 4661 4661
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds5204294283512832853083113103193173091
Life insurance companies and pension funds..........................
Non-life insurance companies..........................
General government207 635206 938205 533206 975205 815205 933207 461207 354207 285205 348204 060202 099196 690
Central government and social security funds..........................
Local government207 635206 938205 533206 975205 815205 933207 461207 354207 285205 348204 060202 099196 690
Non-profit institutions serving households1 1861 1901 1998918877967998047907957801 0511 091
Non-profit institutions serving households1 1861 1901 1998918877967998047907957801 0511 091
Households1 039 8341 025 3401 023 2451 009 1731 002 792999 776980 455967 365959 958949 211940 320928 869880 529
Unincorporated enterprises within households19 31619 35919 41619 59419 61319 57819 20119 04619 13018 93018 87518 76519 818
Housing cooperatives etc.33 46832 41532 09131 17030 52330 21829 76829 35029 25927 95927 99227 507..
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.987 050973 566971 738958 409952 656949 981931 486918 970911 569902 321893 453882 598860 711
Unspecified sector..........................
Rest of the world33 07633 31835 09436 58236 66337 26538 17239 71239 45543 92142 65742 03243 222
General government, abroad9739379509821 0331 0381 0541 1011 0941 1241 1241 1181 092
Banks and financial institutions, abroad1 0951 0781 0851 2481 2531 2551 2791 3181 3141 9411 8791 8691 850
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad31 00731 30333 05834 35234 37734 97235 83937 29437 04740 85739 65439 04540 280
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value1 1483972 4982 5302 3652 3162 1292 0611 1251 114450631564
1As from 1 January 2012, the Norwegian institutional sector classification has been revised in line with the international classification. This change implies a break in the statistics from March 2012. For further information, see Institutional sector classification 2012