
Completed credit points in tertiary education, by type of institution, educational institution and academic year. Absolute figures and per cent
Average completed credit pointsNumber of registered studentsPer cent
Per registered student1Per student with completed credit pointsTotalWith completed credit pointsWithout completed credit pointsWith completed credit pointsWithout completed credit points
1Registered Students are those registered per 1 October yyyy or registered as producing credit points during the yyyy/yyyy+1 study year
2The state university colleges is a term for type of university college which is a result from a reform in 1994.
3Logistics studies are not included.
4Other university colleges includes: Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Norwegian Police University College and private university colleges.
Type of institution and educational institution
Total37.243.0263 318227 68035 63886.513.5
Universities37.644.7108 87891 50417 37484.016.0
University of Oslo35.945.529 33223 1336 19978.921.1
University of Bergen39.546.214 96912 8032 16685.514.5
Norwegian University of Science and Technology38.344.323 71920 5063 21386.513.5
University of Tromsø39.746.79 7378 2801 45785.015.0
University of Stavanger38.844.69 6408 3801 26086.913.1
University of Agder38.844.110 4189 1551 26387.912.1
Norwegian University of Life Sciences39.344.54 7534 20454988.411.6
University of Nordland30.237.76 3105 0431 26779.920.1
Specialised university institutions32.337.134 28029 8194 46187.013.0
Molde University College - specialised university of logistics38.645.11 2521 07018285.514.5
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration36.540.24 2393 85038990.89.2
Norwegian school of Physical Education32.237.61 7431 49424985.714.3
Norwegian State Academy of Music40.346.278868610287.112.9
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science44.346.05395192096.33.7
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design44.848.56516015092.37.7
MF Norwegian School of Theology31.140.61 21092728376.623.4
Norwegian School of Management30.435.123 47220 3433 12986.713.3
Norwegian College of Mission32.438.03863295785.214.8
State university colleges237.942.799 78788 57911 20888.811.2
Østfold University College37.041.95 6945 02566988.311.7
Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences38.543.419 03516 8712 16488.611.4
Hedmark University College35.440.07 3196 48083988.511.5
Gjøvik University College35.941.32 9652 57738886.913.1
Lillehammer University College38.644.25 3604 67668487.212.8
Buskerud University College33.938.44 8664 29756988.311.7
Vestfold University College37.242.25 0544 45959588.211.8
Telemark University College38.342.87 5246 72480089.410.6
Stord/Haugesund University College35.340.03 1012 73736488.311.7
Bergen University College of the Arts41.545.88 1207 34777390.59.5
Sogn og Fjordane University College37.541.93 9743 55641889.510.5
Molde University College - specialised university of logistics332.134.61 1731 0908392.97.1
Ålesund University College42.045.52 0821 92315992.47.6
Volda University College36.442.33 7443 22152386.014.0
Sør-Trøndelag University College43.748.48 4977 66683190.29.8
Nord-Trøndelag University College35.439.05 1144 63947590.79.3
Narvik University College37.444.21 2291 04018984.615.4
Nesna University College31.435.91 4491 26918087.612.4
Harstad University College36.842.81 4121 21319985.914.1
Finnmark University College37.443.51 8521 59325986.014.0
Saami University College24.831.42231764778.921.1
Military colleges24.636.11 7561 19456268.032.0
Other university colleges441.046.018 61716 5842 03389.110.9
Of which:
National Police Academy45.046.72 9202 81410696.43.6
Bergen University College of theArts54.656.52962861096.63.4
Oslo University College of the Arts53.555.65124931996.33.7
Diakonhjemmet University College39.041.32 3052 17912694.55.5
NLA University College37.143.81 7511 48426784.815.2
Oslo School of Management43.245.61 8581 7619794.85.2
Dronning Maud University College41.747.81 2891 12516487.312.7