
Employees aged 15-74 with temporary jobs, by major industry division (LFS). 1000
Annual average4th quarter 20111st quarter 20122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 20121st quarter 2013
01-03 Agriculture, forestry and fishing33124422
05-39 Mining etc., manufacture, power and water supply121314111317109
41-43 Construction87866867
45-47 Domestic trade, car repair shop1921161824251922
49-53 Transportation and storage799791199
55-56 Accomommodation and food service activities796881288
58-63 Information and communication56568665
64-66 Financial and insurance activities12112220
68-82 Real estate, scientific, technical, administrative and support service activities1620121719251921
84 Public adm., defence, soc. security910891011912
85 Education2829313132252930
86-88 Human health and social work activities6062605959676356
90-99 Other service activities1010111191299