
Participants on ordinary labour market schemes (job programmes), by immigrant background, region of birth and sex. Absolute numbers and in per cent of persons aged 15 to 74 years
1st quarter 20121st quarter 2013Change last twelve months
Both sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemales1st quarter 2012 - 1st quarter 2013
Both sexesMalesFemales
1Non-residents included.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Participants, total19 7649 7739 99118 4038 9479 456-1 361-826-535
Non-immigrant population111 2786 4984 78010 2415 8634 378-1 037-635-402
Immigrants, total8 4863 2755 2118 1623 0845 078-324-191-133
The Nordic countries1909010020810710118171
Western Europe else27113313828813315517017
EU countries in Eastern Europe1 3154039121 4634451 01814842106
Eastern Europe else871303568805239566-66-64-2
North-America and Oceania3718194216265-27
Asia23 5581 2422 3163 2421 0942 148-316-148-168
Africa1 9339939401 832969863-101-24-77
South- and Central-Amerika3119321828281201-29-12-17
Per cent
Participants, total0.
Non-immigrant population10.
Immigrants, total1.
The Nordic countries0.
Western Europe else0.
EU countries in Eastern Europe1.
Eastern Europe else1.
North-America and Oceania0.
South- and Central-Amerika1.