
Domestic bond and commercial papers debts by issuing sector and remaining maturity at the end of the quarter. Nominal value. NOK million.
<= 1 year> 1 year <= 2 years> 2 years <= 5 years> 5 years <= 10 years> 10 years <= 20 years> 20 yearsTotal
Total amount of debt477 950298 233735 264288 82754 14217 7331 872 150
Non-financial corporations48 22938 03586 77337 80210 043440221 322
Banks81 05960 760125 82227 29531011 713306 959
Other financial corporations28 187149 312261 20489 45118 3964 575551 125
Central government and social security funds259 3520121 86295 00023 000.499 214
Local government42 32410 62620 05613 4062781986 709
Non-profit institutions serving households00....0
Rest of the world18 80039 499119 54725 8732 115986206 820