
Employed persons 15-74 years, by county of work. Person and per cent
PersonsPer cent
20122011 - 20122011 - 20122007 - 2012
1The figures for Oslo in the 4th quarter of 2012 are too low by an estimated 2 500-3 500. This is due to insufficient reporting to The Central Register of Employers and Employees, which is one of the data sources for the employment statistics.
The whole country2 589 00027 0001.14.2
01 Østfold118 151-590.00.4
02 Akershus256 8693 8071.57.6
03 Oslo1440 5114 5591.04.5
04 Hedmark86 3367920.90.8
05 Oppland87 396-232-0.3-0.5
06 Buskerud124 2301 2551.03.7
07 Vestfold104 7566940.70.8
08 Telemark76 608-85-0.1-0.7
09 Aust-Agder48 5914440.92.9
10 Vest-Agder87 115940.13.6
11 Rogaland242 6984 7532.09.7
12 Hordaland254 4403 7311.56.1
14 Sogn og Fjordane54 29350.01.0
15 Møre og Romsdal129 6481 1760.93.6
16 Sør-Trøndelag159 7003 1132.05.0
17 Nord-Trøndelag62 8659491.53.3
18 Nordland115 778-476-0.41.1
19 Troms Romsa81 1875650.72.3
20 Finnmark Finnmárku37 7322670.74.2