
Life insurance companies. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
1st quarter 20122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 20121st quarter 2013
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance28 39848 90171 56191 57534 697
Gross premiums written23 57242 23562 38481 74224 549
Reinsurers share of gross premiums written-107-343-423-1 136-208
Transfers of premium reserve from other companies4 9327 0109 60110 97010 356
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance15 34427 71640 34953 82921 399
Gross claims payment11 03221 47332 58444 60611 474
Reinsurance share of gross claims payments24-58-34-6231
Other appropriations1933576421 002232
Transfers of premiumreserve etc. to other companies4 0955 9447 1578 8439 692
Net change in technical provisions32 84240 56767 33883 36529 859
Premium reserve22 08632 52050 77769 88422 501
Other technical provisions304247299563390
To/from revaluation reserve8 3795 03211 2248 3465 232
Means allocated insurance contracts2 0732 7685 0384 5711 736
Other operating income/ costs-1 438-2 833-4 463-5 932-1 380
Commision received38699010917
Operating income, real property1631436013
Other operating income2825518321 153325
Personell costs7561 5462 5463 389807
Commision submitted155319511689176
Operating costs, real property11220
Depreciations of non-financial assets7014121333373
Other operating costs7931 4762 1562 840679
Investment income /costs7 90115 69523 68933 9958 247
Interest income bonds and certificates5 53310 50816 26824 0635 604
Interest income other assets8953 0254 4645 8511 390
Share dividend etc.1 2352 9004 0605 5041 575
Interest costs-2377381 1021 422322
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets14 5598 99820 76722 72211 056
Realized gains/losses1 6621 3183 7469 0052 079
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates431 6491 9604 3691 922
Bonds and certificates-551-92318825-147
Financial derivatives2 098-2441 5033 801203
Land and buildings34440
Other realized gains/losses692-396100
Net change in value12 8977 68017 02213 7178 977
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates9 7975 51411 7058 4979 562
Bonds and certificates-480138489-504929
Financial derivatives1 8151 6302 8093 276-2 909
Land and buildings-9-3-11-10-5
Other net change in value1 7744022 0292 4591 401
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities1 2342 4783 8675 1671 362
Other result components..66196-1
Total Profitt/loss1 3162 4303 8354 9181 231
Balance on the technical account for life insurance6281 4712 2813 006808
Value-adjusted profitt/loss11 53910 00919 86818 1368 285