
Graduations in tertiary education in Norway, by academic year, immigration category, gender and field of education. Number and per cent
TotalImmigrantsNorwegian-born to immigrant parentsOther population
Total15 80124 6851 8292 23126133413 71122 120
Humanities and arts1 4642 2201732499231 2821 948
Education1 8655 14613530312401 7184 803
Social sciences and law1 7433 06417631424461 5432 704
Business and administration2 9203 21721029276692 6342 856
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects4 9032 30879239782334 0291 878
Health, welfare and sport1 9628 119251604471211 6647 394
Primary industries10714529260078119
Transport and communications, safty and security and other services762365472910:705334
Unspecified field of study751011617:05884
Per cent
Humanities and arts9.39.09.511.
Social sciences and law11.012.49.614.19.213.811.312.2
Business and administration18.513.011.513.129.120.719.212.9
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects31.09.343.317.831.49.929.48.5
Health, welfare and sport12.432.913.727.
Primary industries0.
Transport and communications, safty and security and other services4.
Unspecified field of study0.