
Mining, quarrying and manufacturing. Principal figures for local kind of activity units 1972 - 2011
 Number ofl local kind of activity unitsNumber of persons employedCompensation of employees. NOK millionProduction value. NOK millionValue added at market prices. NOK millionValue added at factor prices. NOK millionGross investment. NOK million
1Changed treatment of small local kind of activity units (local Kau) has led to a reduction in the statistics of about 1 000 local Kau. and 3 000 persons employed.
2Break in the time series because of changed industrial classification. The figures from 1989 below the breaking line are in accordance with the revised Norwegian Industrial Classification (SIC 94),while the figures for 1972 - 1992 above the line conform to the previous standard.
3Internal enterprise workshops have been reclassified from 35.2 manufacture of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stock and 35.3 manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft to 60 land transport and 62 air transport from 1998.
4Some enterprises within 37 Recycling have been reclassified to 90 Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities in 2001.
5Changed treatment of small local kind of activity units (local KAU) has led to a reduction in the statistics of about 1 000 local KAU.
6New industry classification SIC2007 as of the statistical year 2008. Figures above the break is in accordance with SIC2002.
197214 057384 58515 14560 54921 75121 9133 401
197314 241385 18017 00470 80425 10225 4053 764
197414 834394 20420 05090 38629 99431 1755 859
197514 356390 24323 817102 36233 26534 7076 685
197614 381388 94126 711112 18935 38537 7386 907
197714 161389 90629 480123 53137 08440 3608 838
197813 870383 74131 242125 05638 69642 0768 257
197913 767378 61731 945143 40244 81448 6077 300
198013 831377 02534 952163 14845 91650 0438 952
198113 990370 99338 375181 23349 41752 97110 853
198213 414360 44240 706189 26352 55755 8938 888
198313 117337 37442 278198 33257 41660 7397 767
198413 261333 74645 829223 17365 03068 2138 958
198513 451336 24950 586252 54169 88272 38811 535
198613 569339 86955 938265 66775 25778 23516 035
198713 865338 22361 722287 16083 84085 42619 137
198813 539318 29862 632302 26289 14490 25417 407
1989112 338296 02861 301318 70089 92090 90112 479
199011 905289 32763 555327 29389 43589 62013 670
199111 511283 15266 023329 67291 27790 67912 731
199211 137275 49066 711334 08193 90191 58212 662
1989212 236289 66760 273296 35789 06789 57612 371
199011 783282 19662 263309 02888 58688 20513 545
199111 373274 18964 426310 68690 22588 96312 488
199211 020265 26164 674312 70992 69489 65012 335
199310 994266 81666 665318 04198 44094 7719 777
199411 309274 10170 972345 709105 345102 20511 144
199511 021281 49075 393372 578116 419112 79916 139
199611 380286 26579 239396 122117 441112 52817 957
199711 998296 18486 275433 673127 384122 31017 728
1998312 105300 26992 543465 720135 669129 92921 268
199911 415295 37193 980473 357141 598134 19617 632
200011 763286 47996 304496 494147 444139 50615 528
2001411 160276 46998 325508 340151 827142 35916 514
200211 133273 016101 680498 275152 493142 74818 915
200310 600264 082100 294494 794159 240148 94014 558
200410 519253 373103 496541 055171 796161 46515 219
200510 231250 037109 777596 219182 619172 04116 375
200610 915260 128122 802696 899206 672196 75519 307
200711 098274 636137 415801 394221 227211 93425 724
199822 072311 76293 457469 127136 932131 19221 382
199921 131305 76394 967477 004142 806135 40417 672
200022 283296 21297 571500 978148 884140 94615 606
2001421 957287 83599 898514 863153 907144 44016 726
200222 610284 046102 815502 569153 800144 05519 067
200321 809273 177101 513501 474161 835151 53614 721
200421 681263 855104 595547 659174 453164 12215 484
200521 171259 653110 865603 617185 531174 95316 659
200620 879269 053123 789703 499209 115199 19819 632
2007519 965276 914135 250798 133216 475207 18225 642
200822 083281 296143 223816 810224 690213 35234 026
2007618 874254 132122 532750 865199 605190 26425 163
200819 927256 851129 202768 094207 520195 74632 856
200919 584243 601122 606681 888176 637170 47523 794
201019 008234 455120 458702 419190 344183 64118 609
201119 747233 023125 876752 362192 646185 85619 800