
Mutual Funds' assets. Market value. NOK Million
Sum all assetsDepositsShort-term bondsBondsSharesMutual fund sharesPrimary capital certificatesOther assets
Issued byIssued byIssued byIssued by
Central government and social security fundsOther domestic sectorsRest of the worldCentral government and social security fundsOther domestic sectorsRest of the worldDomestic sectorsRest of the worldDomestic sectorsRest of the world
2nd quarter 2012552 90024 5246 23022 7284 6066 604108 46057 03165 349181 31759 56310 6311 0434 815
3rd quarter 2012584 05626 4376 65821 6455 57012 533115 56257 69469 129184 16962 54516 1441 1554 815
4th quarter 2012612 28227 3115 07820 4267 27015 478120 84064 95569 644189 04166 37519 9341 1154 815
1st quarter 2013661 43131 0404 72519 2346 79015 795130 65076 20474 276211 10271 97013 2311 5994 815