
Sales of shellfish, by species. Tonnes and NOK 1000
QuantityFirst hand value
TotalBlue musselsGreat Atlantic scallopsFlat and cupped oystersOther speciesTotalBlue musselsGreat Atlantic scallopsFlat and cupped oystersOther species
20022 5822 557521816 10715 096133128750
20031 8341 8291229 5719 18926139217
20043 8173 7474632121 14416 1452 1601802 659
20054 9044 885321423 65620 479151902 972
20063 7493 714413021 69115 292762946 029
20072 7002 660643025 71319 6221654545 472
20082 0532 035431113 8199 9051804673 267
20091 7271 64982688 7517 469324533425
20102 0011 9301025918 7458 2383632989 846
20111 9271 74313216925 3657 97263223216 529
20122 0041 9672161010 9457 7285191792 519