
Completed meditations, by mediation authority, region and cause of mediation.
All mediation authoritiesFamily officesMediations by external counsellingDifferense in per cent from the previous year.
2012201220122011 - 2012
The whole country20 38615 7584 628-2.1
Region East7 2295 6361 593-0.6
Region South4 1273 1041 023-1.0
Region West4 1613 193968-1.3
Region Middle2 6602 035625-6.5
Region North2 2091 790419-5.2
Cause of mediation
Separation/divorce (Marriage Act)7 1405 4441 696-4.0
Separations of cohabitants6 3114 9161 3950.0
Mediation applications pursuant to Children Act6 9045 3701 534-2.2
Returned from court system (Children Act)3128355.0