
Construction. Principal figures, by industry subclass. Enterprises12
EnterprisesEmployment (persons)Compensation of employees (mill. NOK)Turnover (mill. NOK)Produksjonsverdi (mill. kr)Bearbeidingsverdi (mill. kr)3Bruttoinvesteringer (mill. kr)
1VAT is not included.
2Only private sector, state enterprises, state-owned enterprises, municipal business undertakings and independent council enterprises are included.
3Factor cost.
Sum Section F
201049 283191 92179 001.4313 057.7310 441.3106 707.17 966.9
201150 566199 73785 786.3358 807.7356 607.7117 851.49 565.8
41 Construction of buildings
201019 89668 13627 916.7147 754.4146 696.841 322.94 621.6
201120 74271 92930 584.8177 266.4176 915.146 548.95 779.6
41.1 Development of building projects
20104 1394 4952 545.234 527.433 809.19 096.23 327.1
20114 5214 7732 881.848 090.247 555.711 720.33 612.7
41.2 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
201015 75763 64125 371.5113 227.1112 887.732 226.71 294.5
201116 22167 15627 703.0129 176.1129 359.434 828.62 166.9
42 Civil engineering
201087212 7027 050.627 493.727 329.68 958.3511.0
201187912 5237 446.530 781.930 683.49 019.2632.7
42.1 Construction of roads and railways
20103137 2784 343.117 747.317 707.35 310.7284.8
20113317 5464 734.821 462.621 419.75 557.3324.8
42.2 Construction of utility projects
20104064 5182 316.87 969.57 867.53 095.1188.0
20114014 1152 332.77 644.67 583.72 962.0273.9
42.9 Construction of other civil engineering projects
2010153906390.81 776.91 754.8552.538.2
2011147862379.01 674.71 680.0499.934.0
43 Specialised construction activities
201028 515111 08344 034.1137 809.6136 414.856 425.92 834.3
201128 945115 28547 754.9150 759.4149 009.262 283.33 153.6
43.1 Demolition and site preparation
20105 85820 0257 647.931 388.631 250.910 633.11 152.0
20116 10921 6038 537.535 509.235 531.912 273.71 291.1
43.2 Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities
20107 72152 14623 800.865 071.763 970.028 555.2652.1
20117 76153 51925 619.069 991.568 505.130 442.7734.2
43.3 Building completion and finishing
20109 49718 8264 916.716 956.416 814.37 342.1298.7
20119 57119 2195 220.518 163.018 066.88 159.9314.9
43.9 Other specialised construction activities
20105 43920 0867 668.724 392.824 379.69 895.4731.5
20115 50420 9448 377.927 095.726 905.511 406.9813.4