
Individuals who owned shares, nominal share capital, received dividends and received previously paid in share capital and share premium, by sex and age
Number of individuals who owned shares 31 DecemberNominal share capital. NOK millionReceived dividends. NOK millionReceived share capital. NOK million2Received share premium. NOK million2Number of individuals who owned shares 31 DecemberNominal share capital. NOK millionReceived dividends. NOK millionReceived share capital. NOK million2Received share premium. NOK million2
1Preliminary figures.
2Does not include capital paid back in connection with liquidation or partial liquidation of limited companies.
Both sexes
Total622 47582 35430 1951 5823 653623 21179 55831 6481 2353 819
0-19 years13 0301 535201541012 0461 5451564140
20-29 years37 8433 733690978437 6373 0046984676
30-39 years92 26811 8793 48723162989 78110 6913 782123496
40-49 years136 27119 7598 615474817136 34618 5979 029357631
50-59 years134 96121 0309 1763171 083134 59320 7389 4932851 537
60-69 years122 19117 2195 999287744123 83117 2536 539257681
70-79 years56 3575 0241 54211421358 8055 4871 513112274
80 years or older29 5542 17648597430 1722 2434381483
Total424 56062 29424 7471 0922 753424 83360 45225 9548903 041
0-19 years7 4438211362676 8539161132032
20-29 years26 5272 327385714226 2961 8843922152
30-39 years66 0728 0772 64413151464 0077 2292 82973259
40-49 years95 93614 6047 06228258196 04913 6127 437272486
50-59 years93 81417 0077 90624380793 58416 7878 1752011 357
60-69 years82 87314 3485 07025658884 08414 4785 511203573
70-79 years36 0753 5721 2287916437 7323 9531 21295224
80 years or older15 8201 53831644816 2281 593286659
Total197 91520 0605 448490900198 37819 1065 695344778
0-19 years5 587714652835 19362943219
20-29 years11 3161 405305254211 3411 1203062524
30-39 years26 1963 80284310111425 7743 46295350237
40-49 years40 3355 1551 55319223640 2974 9841 59284146
50-59 years41 1474 0231 2697427641 0093 9521 31884180
60-69 years39 3182 8719293015539 7472 7751 02854108
70-79 years20 2821 452314354821 0731 5333011750
80 years or older13 73463816852613 944650152824