
Bonds issued in Norway. Issues in nominal value and bond debt in nominal value and market value. NOK million.1
IssuesBond debts in nominal valueBond debts in market value
1Source: The Norwegian Central Securities Depository
2012371 7371 514 6091 541 616
2011294 6711 357 2211 365 415
2010261 9731 290 1101 283 251
2009492 1861 220 4471 211 973
2008286 037933 816883 242
2007225 691775 403779 124
2006253 450732 784746 813
2005151 880594 369624 208
2004126 901535 230566 076
2003124 407520 294544 583
2002131 596475 482472 825