
Persons employed in kindergartens, by position and qualifications
Total number of persons employed91 23988 82387 40184 88481 450
Directors6 7126 6796 8116 9746 973
with approved pre-school teacher education6 0876 0226 1236 1266 063
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children425408417440469
with dispensations from the educational requirement164190218252324
with vocational training1624223739
Educational leaders25 48624 34323 10421 95120 062
with approved pre-school teacher education21 52420 35219 17518 01316 574
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children1 4561 4211 435946825
with dispensations from the educational requirement3 8693 8783 6203 4883 183
with vocational training757730632466430
Assistents43 79243 73243 52342 65241 315
with approved pre-school teacher education6645136869071 422
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children835786779726938
with vocational training10 2479 6599 0498 4327 903
Bilingual assistants1 0771 0131 0401 0411 030
with approved pre-school teacher education5124254051
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children7060685560
with vocational training5050353360
Other educational personnel6 4135 9765 9126 1876 308
with approved pre-school teacher education2 0621 8501 9982 0432 228
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children909775698715765
with vocational training627471426395326
Office staff1 5841 3741 18400
Other paid help6 1755 7065 8276 0795 762