
Norwegian Customs and Excise - StatRes
201020112012Change in per cent
2011 - 2012
Own production (mill. NOK)1 4141 5161 5441.8
Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves1 7041 7421 739-0.2
Activities and services
Number of border inspections206 482215 837216 9470.5
Checks of excise duty declarations585558557-0.2
Post-clearance audits1 5381 5611 445-7.4
Checks of declared goods183 330174 877177 0861.3
Hits in per cent of border inspections11.611.712.1.
Seized amount
Heroin (gram)83 00011 30335 840217.1
Cigarettes (1000 stk)7 2279 06210 15012.0
Alcoholic beverages (litres)510 281528 983506 619-4.2
Uncovered witheld customs and excise duties (mill. NOK)7306731 08260.9
Collected taxes (mill. NOK)191 846204 256210 0772.8