
Accounting figures for non-financial foundations. NOK million
Income statement33 74735 84636 179
Operating income31 40732 51334 734
Operating expences12 72813 17514 131
Operating profit2 3403 3331 443
Financial items, net536-27-1 021
Operating profit before tax2 8763 304421
Net profit2 7823 458295
Balance sheet
Fixed assets39 67044 72150 542
Intangible fixed assets130493548
Tangible fixed assets29 10631 65431 454
Financial fixed assets10 43712 57518 541
Current assets35 54039 21245 728
Debts3 6633 8593 840
Securities and other financial current assets16 43118 74623 655
Cash and bank deposits15 11816 12217 852
Total assets75 18783 92396 274
Equity48 29555 79366 715
Liabilities26 90728 14029 558
Provisions1 7181 7442 164
Long-term liabilities17 36317 79618 274
Short-term liabilities7 8278 6019 069
Equities and liabilities75 18483 92496 274
Key figures
Equity ratio64.266.569.3
Current ratio4.544.565.04
Number of enterprises7 6857 5797 773