
Accounting figures for non-financial foundations. Non-profit foundations. NOK million
Income statement
Operating income24 49326 10526 752
Operating expences23 59424 58825 813
Payroll expences11 88712 25713 051
Operating profit8991 517938
Financial items, net415172-157
Operating profit before tax1 3131 689780
Net profit1 3271 953744
Balance sheet
Fixed assets16 47318 06018 160
Intangible fixed assets33388435
Tangible fixed assets13 21914 44214 211
Financial fixed assets3 2243 2313 514
Current assets15 49015 10215 560
Debts2 1612 2712 468
Securities and other financial current assets5 6654 3904 290
Cash and bank deposits7 3868 0948 492
Total assets31 95533 15933 722
Equity18 03818 65418 200
Liabilities13 92314 51015 521
Provisions1 3181 3491 682
Long-term liabilities6 7967 0437 195
Short-term liabilities5 8106 1186 609
Equities and liabilities31 95433 15933 721
Key figures
Equity ratio56.556.354.0
Current ratio2.672.472.35
Number of enterprises2 8762 9622 944