
Bankruptcies. Owners in public limited companies and private limited companies by gender, age groups, national background, level of education and economic activity
Total3 2442 407837
Less than 16 years1587
16-24 years644024
25-44 years1 4051 029376
45-66 years1 4811 127354
67 years or older27920376
National background
Total3 2442 407837
Norway2 9562 197759
EU/EAA (except Norway), USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand1279730
Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania (except Australia and New Zealand), Europe without EU/EAA16111348
Level of education
Total3 2442 407837
Lower secondary education624463161
Upper secondary education1 6381 238400
Tertiary education, short686465221
Tertiary education, long22017842
Industrial activity
Total3 2442 407837
Agriculture, forestry and fishing73676
Mining and quarrying963
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply330
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities000
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles851561290
Transportation and storage1149321
Accomodation and food service activities542372170
Information and communication13411420
Financial and insurance activities18712166
Real estate activities13510629
Professional, scientific and technical activities1018318
Adminitrative and support service activities1219229
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security000
Human health and social work activities271611
Arts, entertainment and recreation1046539
Other service activities341519
Activities of households as employers, undifferentiated goods- and service producing activities of households for own account000
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies000