
Net purchases in the primary and secondary market of listed shares registered with the VPS, by purchasing sector. Market value. NOK Million
3rd quarter 20124th quarter 20121st quarter 20132nd quarter 2013
Total-4 7284 0036 7691 115
Non-financial corporations-5 5942 4863 658-746
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government-1 5531 21331280
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government-919-1-1
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises-4 0141 3073 332-801
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises-511-2
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises-13-5414-21
Financial corporations-2 689785-1 605-1 668
Norges Bank0000
Banks2411 652-1 663680
Mortgage companies0000
Finance companies..-90..
State lending institutions etc.........
Financial holding companies......25
Mutual funds-1 727-52917364
Investment trusts and private equity funds-162115-23444
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds-335-117479-2 579
Life insurance companies and pension funds-650-306-93-227
Non-life insurance companies-55-21-11125
General government-3 5174332001 420
Central government-3 4705022671 421
Local government-47-69-68-1
Non-profit institutions serving households-165-4-206-240
Households-2 217969-43-525
Unincorporated enterprises within households0010
Housing cooperatives etc.........
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.-2 216969-44-525
Rest of the world9 461-6704 7732 867
Unspecified sector-84-77