
Non-life insurance company. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
2nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 20121st quarter 20132nd quarter 2013
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance27 90842 20956 30514 02328 831
Gross premiums written38 39151 66465 19622 67041 660
Reinsurers share of gross premiums writtens-5 187-6 656-7 914-3 061-6 626
Gross change in the provision for unearned premiums-6 960-3 800-1 469-6 641-7 952
Reinsurance share1 6641 0014921 0541 749
Claims incurred and net change in technical provisions19 42129 25639 12610 33822 438
Gross claims payment22 51632 60443 19810 71421 979
Reinsurers share of gross claims payments-2 529-3 813-5 036-1 265-2 609
Gross change in the provision for outstanding claims-1 023-371-4814661 405
Reinsurers share, gross change in the provision for outstanding claims424296736199-159
Bonus and rebates9716521750106
Net change in technical provision-653754931731 716
Other operating income/ costs-5 411-7 984-10 568-2 658-4 994
Commision received9813719162115
Operating income, real property5578962356
Other operating income1 1201 5161 9995571 022
Personell costs2 8814 4545 8311 5312 991
Commision submitted1 2291 7512 407601980
Operating costs, real property10131749
Depreciations of non-financial assets12118022854114
Other operating costs2 4443 3164 3701 1102 093
Investment income /costs2 4593 6535 0681 1702 515
Interest income2 0953 2274 3011 0342 117
Share dividend etc.423502854162438
Interest costs5976882540
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets1 2422 8573 3571 4291 273
Net realized gains/losses3951 2201 742228498
Net change in value8471 6361 6151 201775
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities6 77611 47915 0363 6265 187
Other result components-139-77568-2266
Tax1 5992 7363 581591903
Total Profitt/loss5 0388 66512 0223 0144 350
Balance on the technical account for non-life insurance4 1556 6088 7821 6572 476