
Employees aged 15-66 with disabilities, by adaptations of their work, and whether the disability occurred before or after they started in their current job. 1000
2nd quarter 2013
TotalBefore job startAfter job startUnspecified
1Some persons have got adaptations at more than one field, and therefore the figures do not sum up to the number of employees.
Both sexes
Employees total227136893
No adaptation9664321
Have got one or more adaptations112770561
Changes of work tasks7741351
Changes of working time6131301
Physical adaptations of workplace754233-
Employees total10864431
No adaptation533518-
Have got one or more adaptations1542825-
Changes of work tasks321616-
Changes of working time231012-
Physical adaptations of workplace311714-
Employees total11972462
No adaptation4429141
Have got one or more adaptations1744231-
Changes of work tasks442519-
Changes of working time392118-
Physical adaptations of workplace442419-