
Finance companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
August 2013July 2013June 2013May 2013April 2013March 2013February 2013January 2013December 2012November 2012October 2012September 2012August 2012
Notes and divisionary coin00138....106....118....141..
Loans to and claims on financial institutions005 964....5 950....6 236....5 688..
Loans to and claims on customers00117 558....114 397....112 429....111 452..
Certificates and bonds00......................
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.00471....721....669....672..
Financial derivatives00114....103....107....109..
Intangible assets00917....879....756....592..
Durable operating equipment00136....145....142....135..
Other assets004 401....3 975....3 070....3 149..
Total assets00129 700....126 275....123 527....121 937..
Deposits from financial institutions00......................
Deposits from customers00......................
Certificate and bond debt00100....................
Other loans00103 989....101 231....99 301....99 755..
Financial derivatives0019....201....244....328..
Other liabilities009 866....10 649....9 617....8 262..
Subordinated loan capital001 871....771....771....771..
Total liabilities00115 845....112 852....109 932....109 116..
Share and owner share capital003 860....3 595....3 560....3 447..
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)001 983....1 924....1 715....1 516..
Earned equity capital006 771....7 307....6 229....6 236..
Undistributed profit001 240....596....2 091....1 622..
Total equity0013 854....13 423....13 595....12 821..
Total liabilities and equity00129 700....126 275....123 527....121 937..