
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration - StatRes1
201020112012Per cent
2012 - 2011
1In 2010, about 17 000 kilometres of state roads were reclassified as county roads. With few exceptions, figures for 2010 and later are not, therefore, directly comparable to earlier years.
Own production (NOK million)10 30011 20312 48611.5
Investments (NOK million)9 7709 71912 22425.8
Transfers (NOK million)1 3941 0071 44043.0
Total expenditure (NOK million)21 46421 92926 15019.2
Contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves (man-years)5 4185 9006 1854.8
Activities and services
Number of kms of state roads, total10 39810 44710 5400.9
Share of kms of state roads with speed limit 50 km/h or lower5.
Number of driving licenses issued280 689456 000364 564-20.1
Share of kms of state roads with permissible axle load of 10 tonnes99.899.8100.00.2
Number of kms of four-lane state roads opened for traffic last year131911-44.7
Number of kms of central barriers built on two- and three-lane state roads303129-6.5
Number of people killed in road traffic accidents208168145-13.7
Emissions of greenhouse gases from road traffic, CO2 equivalents (1000 tonnes)10 10410 06210 1040.4