
Some quality indicators for the Cause of Death registry. 2001-2012
Total number of distributed forms for additional information8468049001 3137208237708019371 0601 0491 016
Number of received forms603546668945532553532582709778739711
Non-responses, number of243258232368188270238219228282310305
Autopsies3 6593 9383 9183 7543 4173 1083 1153 2643 0803 0293 0823 026
Hospital Autopsies1 9532 2402 2922 1561 8201 5651 5401 6521 4811 4321 4531 515
Forensic autopsies1 7061 6981 6261 5981 5971 5431 5751 6121 5991 5971 6291 511
Deaths without received death certificate440565583528442443561653675730768690
Of these: Dead abroad250253256251294296338336303385406397