
Survey of tax assessment, residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons and average
Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and olderResidents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and olderAverage for residents 17 years and older with amount (NOK)
1Basis for calculation of incometax to county and municipality.
2From 2012 personal income from primary industry is split. Personal income from agriculture and forestry are added to personal income other industries. (Personal income from primary and other industry).
3Included additional tax due to broken agreement of home investment savings for young people (BSU).
4From 2011, old-age pensioners can not claim tax limitation.
5Total taxes minus deductions and tax reductions. The specified tax amounts are stated by gross amount, that is before deductions and reductions.
Basis for Surtax on Gross income3 775 3061 385 1533 827 9551 466 764383 200
Ordinary income after special deduction13 798 7081 085 7743 856 8801 149 953298 200
Personal income from fishing etc.2....12 0484 525375 600
Personal income wages2 934 1491 061 7702 970 9721 122 205377 700
Personal income pension1 181 639253 8501 209 564273 547226 200
Personal income from agriculture/forestry/fishing55 72812 531...
Personal income from other industry198 72455 159236 06764 487273 200
County wealth tax650 4987 986657 3658 34012 700
County income tax3 490 818128 5213 543 744139 14839 300
State wealth tax650 0054 561656 8974 7637 300
Surtax on gross income949 96521 130973 25422 68223 300
Community tax3 490 729129 4393 543 571134 26337 900
Membership contribution to the national insurance3 628 008101 2653 682 996107 26129 100
Delay duty24 3466322 964602 600
Additional tax5 1331135 86812621 400
Finnmark deduction66 91881567 32282212 200
Home investment savings for young people (BSU)3329 305827352 2679042 600
Tax limitation according to paragraph 174235 9673 292239 4703 54214 800
Tax deduction for old age pensioners695 19711 677730 13312 66517 300
Tax deduction, transitional rule for old age pensioners84 93351078 7292913 700
Deduction for foreign services14 5051 32516 3721 48990 900
Assessed taxes53 507 055374 5413 560 975396 886111 500
Number of residents 17 years and older3 932 2503 993 697