
Tax statistics for residents 17 years and older
20122012Percentage change in amount
Number of persons that have amount on different codesAverage for those that have amount on different codes (NOK)2011 - 20122007 - 2012
Gross income3 954 557395 6004.233.6
Basis for Surtax on Gross income3 827 955383 2004.424.8
Ordinary income, after deductions3 856 880298 2004.324.1
Taxable gross wealth3 929 104891 8005.742.3
Debt2 876 726878 3005.226.8
Surtax on gross income973 25423 3005.021.4
Property taxes657 39719 9003.182.6
Assessed taxes3 560 975111 5004.423.9