
Domestic bond and commercial papers debts by issuing sector and remaining maturity at the end of the quarter. Nominal value. NOK million.
<= 1 year> 1 year <= 2 years> 2 years <= 5 years> 5 years <= 10 years> 10 years <= 20 years> 20 yearsTotal
Total amount of debt442 852362 163668 782342 18237 92919 8891 873 797
Non-financial corporations55 71030 601101 60845 15014 5931 290248 952
Banks74 88457 702131 57029 09716012 736306 149
Other financial corporations69 333141 623235 80382 26620 9334 865554 823
Central government and social security funds178 85877 12560 737141 000..457 720
Local government40 95111 76422 70013 2902781989 002
Non-profit institutions serving households00....0
Rest of the world23 11543 347116 36531 3781 965979217 149