
Number of passengers and vehicles in ferry transport
2nd quarter 2013
PassengerRoad goods vehicles and accompanying trailersPassenger cars and accompanying trailers/caravansPassenger busesImport/Export motor vehiclesOther mobile self-propelled unitsUnaccompanied road goods trailers semitrailersUnaccompanied caravans and other road agricultural and industrial trailersRail wagons, shipborne port-to-port trailers and barges engaged in goods transportOther mobile non-self-propelled units
Total1 387 79548 287299 1643 1994 554010 09197400
Borg Port Authority4 096000000000
Oslo Port Authority544 3767 37744 8091 2893 79807 87385800
Sandefjord Port Authority264 5473 84678 7581 038000000
Larvik Port Authority169 90025 32755 724243000000
Kristiansand Port Authority365 4579 921109 246566001 319000
Eigersund Port Authority0000000000
Stavanger Inter-Municipal Port Authority19 2327845 77522572089911600
Karmsund Inter Municipal Port Authority0000000000
Bergen and Omland Port Authority20 1871 0324 8524118400000